What are the requirements for CIGNA HealthCare of Texas PPO?
I would like to get a head start on the requirments. I go to the seminar on the 27th. — Leslie T. (posted on July 8, 2002)
July 8, 2002
I have cigna healthcare of Texas PPO, and I had no problems with my
approval. I weighed 246 before my surgery on May 13th, and now I weigh
205. Dr. Hamn submitted the paperwork in early January for a VGB and it
was approved in February. I called them and they said as long as the
surgeon thinks it is medically necessary it would be approved. I also used
an innetwork doctor and hospital; maybe this helped also. If you have any
questions e-mail me! This was the best decision I have ever made!
— tara W.
July 8, 2002
I have cigna PPO,and I was approved the first time. Kind of touch and go
there for awhile. I had Cigna POS last year and was denied due to not
having 3 medically supevised attempts. I was on merida for 14 months and
lost about 5 lbs altogher. This time submitted same info to Cigna PPO with
the new diet attempt and it was approved. Give them a call and tell them
exactly what you are wanting to do and ask plenty of
[email protected] for more info.....Good Luck
— vmckel3783
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