Dr. James Weber...Submitting Insurance Paperwork...
I startet completing the requirements for gastric bypass surgery back in January. Between January and April I completed everything...physical exam, psych eval...nutritionist...etc, etc. I attended Dr. Webers mandatory seminar and totally left there with such a positive feeling. I knew he was the best surgeon around and I researched a lot of them. I sent his office the completed packet of information they hand out at this seminar which includes medical records, diet history and the chart notes/dictation from meeting with all the speialists. I had my first consult with Dr. Weber in Mid May. Dr. Weber said his staff would submit everything to my insurance carrier and to date nothing has been submitted. I work in the medical field and I know how long things take to process and I'm getting very frustrated. It's going on 2 months since I met with the DR. and I've been calling my insurance regularly to check if they've received the Request for Authorization and no luck. So, I'm wondering if other DR. James Weber patients have experienced such a delay in submitting paperwork? — K D. (posted on July 7, 2002)
July 7, 2002
I am not a patient of Dr. Weber (but I am in WA state). Have you checked
with his office to make sure that they sent the paperwork? From my own
experience I can tell you that just because the insurance company says that
they have not received the paperwork, does not mean that the docs office
has not sent it. It took 2 months with my surgeons office faxing the info
2-4 times and I personally faxed it 4 or 5 times and me calling the ins.
company every day before they FINALLY told me that it had to come from my
PCP. What a waste of time! I guess what I'm saying is make sure they sent
it and if they tell you that they did then ask them to send it again and
get a copy for yourself and fed ex it if you have to. Hope it helps.
— Tina B.
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