what does an umbilical hernia feel like?

I am pre-op, but would like to know from others that had an umbilical hernia, what it felt like. Did you know before surgery? Where does it hurt at? Thanks    — Terri Z. (posted on July 6, 2002)

July 6, 2002
I had an umbilical hernia about 1 year ago, it never really hurt, but I noticed a lump near my navel that would pop out if I tightened the skin, it kind of tingled more then anything,I did have it taken care of,the doctor said if we have one it should definitly be fixed, there was more pain after getting it fixed then before, though,I would much rather go through WLS surgery then a hernia surgery again..
   — bikerchic

July 6, 2002
I had one pre op and never even knew. My doc told me when I got out of my wls surgery. I never felt it, being obese the fat covered it. I had an open RNY and my scar is a little longer than some of the people I have met because of the hernia. Nothing to worry about.
   — Dawn L.

July 8, 2002
I noticed a lump near my belly button, but didn't even know it was an umbilical hernia until I went for my pre-op checkup for WLS. The dr. fixed it during my wls surgery. No problem at all for me. It didn't hurt before, and I could not attribute post-op pain to that either.
   — blank first name B.

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