What was your favorite compliment after wls and who gave it to you?

   — Marie W. (posted on June 28, 2002)

June 28, 2002
Tonight. Out to dinner in the next town, we ran into the guy I sold our last house to and his Dad (dad is my age, 51) The dad said, "WHO ARE YOU?" I said, "BARBARA." He said, "I KNOW! WOW!!! WHO are you????" "Wow, you sure look terrific!" And all the while I was talking with his son, he kept giving me "the stare." LOL LOL LOL...I have had some weird reactions lately, but this one made me smile :-) --Oh, wait...about a week ago, in the checkout at the local grocery, the checker was giving my husband a dirty look. Then I spoke when I wrote the check & she said to me, "OMG. If you had not spoken, I would not have recognized you at all!" I asked her if she didn't recognize my husband? She actually thought he was with another woman, LOL LOL...that is happening a lot lately.
   — Barbara B.

June 28, 2002
my sister & i live quite a distance from each other but we try to see each other once a month. when i was about 3 or 4 months post op we arrived at her house & when we did our kissy huggy thing she stepped back & said 'everytime i see u there's less of u to see!'
   — sheryl titone

June 28, 2002
I got my favorite compliment two weeks ago. I went to my home town to visit my father for Father's Day, and Sunday morning I went to church with my mother. My mom called me at my home in Baltimore on Monday to tell me that a woman in her church ( who I have known for YEARS) asked my mother who came to church with her on Sunday. She didnt recognize me. Now that is the best. 4 months post op DOWN 75lbs.. Half way to GOAL...
   — Diane Rhoads

June 28, 2002
Since I have lost my weight, I have had tons of great compliments, as well as now being known amongst some of my friends as "the incredible shrinking woman". The best so far, however, was last week at my son's dance recital. My friend's husband, who hasn't seen me in about 4 months, when he saw me coming towards him said "WOW VICKI, YOU ARE BECOMING A REGULAR PIECE OF A** "!!! I laughed so hard I almost wet myself and I told him that was probably the best compliment I ever got!
   — Vicki K.

June 29, 2002
My favorite compliment was from my hubby. He loved me at 400 lbs., but he's been a lot more "frisky" since I lost 180 lbs.!!! LOL The other day, I was laying on the bed on my stomach, and my husband walked into the room. "Porn butt," he said nonchalantly. "WHAT???" I asked. "Your butt is so skinny it's looking like those ladies' butts in Playboy!" I laughed so hard. It was an odd compliment, but has meant the most to me, since it came straight from my hubby's heart!
   — Terissa R.

June 29, 2002
I haven't received many compliments, and I was just commenting on that the other day. I've lost 75 pounds, with 45 to go. My teenage daughters are typically self-involved, and I have to actually ask them if I look thinner (and get a "are you crazy? look in return). My co-worker is my biggest (and perhaps only) cheerleader, and almost every single day, has something positive to say to me. The "best" compliment I received, however, wasn't meant to be a compliment. My ex has gone out of his way to NOT make any comments at all about my weight loss. Last week, however, we were talking when he said "you look like your sister Pat now". My sister is a health and exercise fanatic, who doesn't have an ounce of fat on her body. I jumped on the comment and replied, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment, since you always thought Pat looked so good". He tried to cover up, by saying, "well, yeah, but I just said it as a statement of fact". LOL Gotcha ya!!!
   — Cyndie K.

June 29, 2002
My favorite left-handed compliment came, when a gal from church asked my mom ...who was "that" lady sitting with Joe (my DH) last Sunday?!! Pretty kewl huh??
   — Denise W.

June 29, 2002
As I was coming down the hall at work one day, one of my co-workers (and biggest cheerleader) stared at me and gave me a funny look as I was getting closer, then she turned away. A few minutes later she told me that she was wondering who that skinny woman was coming down the hall, she seriously had no idea who I was!!!! I was so happy! I also LOVE being called skinny, never been skinny in my whole life! *HUGS*
   — Lucky Gal U.

June 29, 2002
I got a second-hand compliment yesterday. I work for a large company and don't always see a lot of people that I deal with for a long while. The other day I was on the phone with someone and she said that someone she works with had seen me up on her floor. She said that this person said "Have you seen Paula lately? She was up here the other day and I had to do a double take, she looks fantastic!". I thought it was really neat that I was being complimented when I wasn't even around! Four months post-op, down 91.5 pounds and people are *FINALLY* starting to notice. :)
   — PaulaM

June 29, 2002
The first day I dumped my baggy old clothes and walked out into the living room wearing a new little black dress with a flirty hem, my 18 year old son took a double-take and said "Mom! You are SMOKIN'!"
   — Sandra E.

June 29, 2002
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE compliments and have received hundreds of them in the last 18 months. But I can honestly say, my favorite "compliment" is when I am in a new situation and meeting new people who only know "this" me. There are no compliments or weight-loss discussions and this is my cherished time. I feel so normal, I blend in and I love it!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

June 29, 2002
When I was only 2 or 3 weeks post op.. one of my best friends said to me "you look so happy" I am now 4 months post op and down 92lbs... but that comment has topped all the others.. It was great.
   — Jennifer W.

July 1, 2002
Ok, you guys are cracking me up. Porn Butt. That's the funniest thing I have ever heard. My favorite compliment actually came before the surgery but I just had to share. i am a single woman and have remained good friends with a man i used to date. One day we were discussing the surgery and he said to me that it was going to be really fun to watch me after the surgery. I asked him what he meant and he said , well, you have always been beautiful, but the difference is, now YOU will know you are beautiful. That goes down as maybe the best thing anyone has ever said to me. What a sweet man!
   — Tracey L.

July 1, 2002
My favorite - a friend who lives a few states away hadn't seen in months, then saw me all dressed up at a party. He did the double take - then said "Damn girl, are you on teh cocaine and lettuce diet?" A also agree with Shelley - telling people I just met that I used to weigh 115 more - and seeing the confusion on their face cause they just don't "see" it. Esp. the "why did you have surgery?, you aren't fat!" - then the realization of the extrememly stupid thing they have said.
   — M. A. B.

July 1, 2002
Tracey that was really beautiful.
   — faybay

July 1, 2002
I had just started wearing a size 12 and my boobs hadn't deflated yet, so I REALLY filled out my tops. It was winter and I wore a Ralph Lauren long-sleeve turtleneck tucked into some jeans. I came out of the bathroom and my DH (who is normally the most reserved and polite guy) popped his eyes out and blurted, "WOW! What a RACK!" He was soooo embarrassed and we both started laughing. He made me wear that outfit when I visited him at his office. Showing off, I guess. =)
   — ctyst

July 5, 2002
I love these kind of questions! First of all, Tracey, I want to find a man like that! WOW!!!<br> I think my favorite compliment came just last week. One of the guys I work with was talking about "chicks" who ride motorcycles, and how he wonders how they can hold them up. He said "You know, girls that are smaller than Becky." Made my heart soar! This is from the same guy, who on my very first day of work (not quite a year ago) said "Looks like you'll be taking maternity leave in 4 or 5 months, huh?" I even took that as a compliment...after having lost 40 lbs back then, I didn't look FAT anymore, I looked PREGNANT. Now I'm SMALL. I love this guy!!!
   — Becky H.

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