How long until the pain ends?
My right thigh has been my largest obstacle post op. I am 3.5 weeks post LAP RNY The pain ranges from a constant tingling to feeling as though someone is pouring hot molten lead down my thigh. Pain extends from my hip to my knee and seems to be much worse some day for no apparent reason. Afraid to continue pain meds (addiction), although it is the only thing that helps me sleep. Others with similar stories please share any information. — Ray O. (posted on June 27, 2002)
June 27, 2002
Sounds like a nerve problem more than a surgical issue. have you talked to
your doctor? Taking something for pain when you need it won't make you
"addicted".addiction comes from abuse of narcotics not from
taking proper care of yourself to relieve pain. Nerve pain is often
aggravated by being placed on surgical tables, or receiving shots etc. At
280 pounds my nerves that run down my leges are always on fire after a day
of work. but after being off my legs for a week they don't bother me.
However an old nerve injury in my left thigh is acting up after receiving a
shot in my thigh. feels like electric shock when I move. But back to you,
taking weight off those nerves is the best thing you can do.take your pain
meds and talk to your doctor.It may be to early for it to go away on its
own. If it lingeres he may send you to a neurologist.or physical therapy.
But first take care of your self.Best of luck. Ellen
— Ellen H.
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