Has anyone with UHC POS been approved for plastic surgery?

I'm still pre-op so maybe I'm getting the cart before the horse so to speak, but I'm just curious. I have UHC POS and I've already gotten approval for the WLS just waiting now for a date YAY!!! But anyway I'm now thinking ahead to the TT, etc. and would like to know how difficult it is to get UHC to approve the plastic surgery? And also, do they ever approve for Thighs, Arms, Chins, etc? If they approve for TT or Panni, I don't think I'll have a problem, because I haven't had surgery yet and I've got a pretty big pannus right now, so once I start to lose it will probably become a big problem. But I'm also pretty sure I'll need the full body lift, breast lift, arm reduction, and have my chin(s) done, and would just like to know if there's any hope at all of getting Ins. to cover these? I would appreciate any feedback you can give. Thanks EC    — Elva C. (posted on June 26, 2002)

June 25, 2002
Hi Congrats on your WLS approval. i do not know about the TT and panni but I do know that they approved my breast reduction last year in less then 24 hours! Good Luck!
   — Stephanie B.

June 26, 2002
They will probably pay for if it is medically necessary!!Most likely your will be medically necessary.
   — Sharon T.

June 26, 2002
Hi, I have the same ins. This is what the policy says - * Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic intervention UNLESS there is a serious functional impairment which can only be repaired with or by an abdominoplasty (for example, ventral hernia which will recur without accompanying abdominoplasty, or severe and intractable impairment of skin integrity with resultant complications such as infection). So like the previous poster said - as long as it's medically necessary. As far as the other parts I don't believe they will pay for them unless again it poses problems such as hernia or infection which usually doesn't(that I've heard) but there's a first for everything! Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I'm just approved also will be going under the knife in August! Take care! Diana
   — Diana L.

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