I was just diagnosed as borderline anemic...

...and I have a prescription for iron ...In the usage section it says '...better on empty stomach...' ' not take it within 1 hour before or 2 hours after antacids, eggs, whole grain breads, cereal, milk, milk products, coffee or tea.' also ' not lie down for 30 minutes after taking this medicine.' Can I hear some ideas on how you take your iron supplements? Thanks in advance for the info...    — California J. (posted on June 25, 2002)

June 25, 2002
I am anemic and I am pre-op. I am so scared that I am going to have really big problems after surgery. My doc is going to give me a B12 shot every month, instead of taking the vitamin by mouth. There is really no know cause that I have read or heard about from any doctor about why anemia occurs after surgery, or why it is more likely in heavy people. I actually get almost like a diabetic fit when my iron levels go low. I have heard from some health food stores that a sub-lingual iron is available with a maker. My local health-food store is searching for it for me. The reason why sub-lingual works better than the pills that are swallowed, is due to the fact that the iron liquid is held in your mouth under your tongue for apsorbing, instead of in the stomach. I feel for you, I will let you know of the brand info etc as soon as I find out. -Mary Western Pre0p 284lbs BMI 43, Surgery Date 7/8/02
   — Mary W.

June 25, 2002
I take my iron pill at about 8pm. It's well after I've had my dinner and long before I go to sleep. I've been on them since December and haven't had any problems.
   — Patty H.

June 25, 2002
Is it ferrous SULFATE? That's the one that is irritating to the pouch. If so, you might want to swtich to something like Carbonyl Iron, which is milder, can be taken with food (not caffeine or dairy), and is very well absorbed. Iron is always taken with vit C, and not with other meds (unless the pharmacist says it's OK).
   — vitalady

June 26, 2002
You hit the nail right on the head... It is ferrous sulfate... I have yet to take one... I will try it with food first... maybe some applesauce or crackers... I must admit though I am kinda scared... At almost 3 years post op I really don't want my pouch upset...
   — California J.

June 26, 2002
I have taken ferrous sulfate pre-op and am now taking it post-op. I take it with a small amount of skim milk at night before I go to bed with no problems.
   — emilyfink

June 26, 2002
Don't take iron with ANY type of dairy product, it blocks the absorbtion of iron.
   — Cheri M.

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