An embarrassing question for the ladies.

Hello. I am having my lap RNY in a few weeks and I am only worried about one thing. The past couple of years, dark hair has sprouted on my neck, chest and belly. I tend to either pluck, dye or shave (yes, I know it was a BAD mistake). My worry is what to do while in the hospital. The staff's concern will be my belly and I don't want to look like a wooley booger! What can I use that will make it go away for at least a week or so? I was thinking about a home waxing kit. How well do they work and for how long? Are some better than others? Some of the hairs are black and coarse so I know there is no point is bleeching them. HELP ME! I am so embarrassed!    — Kelsey M. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 23, 2002
Hello :) I had a similar concern and made sure I shaved my legs and whatever else I could think of the morning of my surgery. By the time it was ready to be shaved again...I was walking to and from the bathroom on my own. I had the open RNY and since you're having the lap...I would imagine you'll be more mobile than I was alot quicker. Bring a razor and some cream and when you're in the bathroom freshening what you have to do :)
   — Kelly C.

June 23, 2002
Hi Kelsey. I have tried Nads and think it works easier and is less painful than home waxing kits. It does hurt some, but works on coarse hair and will leave you smooth for weeks to come! Good luck.
   — lovebug2

June 23, 2002
Kelsey, you have already gotten some good responses to your question, but I just wanted to ask if you have ever been checked for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? I have PCOS and one of the symptoms is hirsutism (excess hair growth). I am 24 years old and have suffered from this problem since my early teens, so I know what you are going through. Another cause of hirsutism is Cushings Syndrome. If you have never been checked for either of these conditions, please do some research on them and talk to your doctor the next time you have an appointment. Best wishes!
   — Lori B.

June 23, 2002
I agree with Tonya. Nair works for me. It does stink, but is painless and last much longer than shaving. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!
   — DonnaCarol

June 24, 2002
Hi , I agree with bethann, nads works great, I use it on my eyebrows and they stay the way I like them for 2 months, it is a little painfull but worth it.
   — rebecca N.

June 24, 2002
I have had good luck with the wax strips for at home use. I think the brand name is Sally Hansen? I got that wonderful belly stripe when I was pregnant with my son (the hair darkens). Thank the gods, it's gone now, but waxing helped for a couple weeks at a time. If you are at all prone to sensitivities after waxing (excessive redness of the skin, little bumps, etc.), I'd recommend dusting the area to be waxed with cornstarch powder first. The wax still adheres to the hair, but doesn't pull off a lot of your skin with it! And make sure to follow up with the oil they give you to remove the wax completely. Prevents ingrowns. There are also a couple of antibacterial products designed for the bikini area to prevent infected ingrown hairs. One is called Bikini Zone. Good luck!
   — Lara D.

June 24, 2002
The hospital staff is completely used to seeing this on patients. I'm not sure how many other hospitals do this, but when I had surgery, their common practice for EVERYONE (hairy or not) is to shave the patients belly. I felt kind of strange having some nurse shave my belly, but she made it not so embarrassing and said that they HAVE to do that to everybody before surgery.
   — Kelly M.

June 24, 2002
Hi, I have to agree with the other posters about Nair. Yes it stinks, but it is great. I get it in the spray on, which I think is much easier than the bottle pour, and I can go almost a whole week without seeing stubble. I hate shaving, so I handle the smell, LOL If you use it the night before surgery, I doubt you will see any hair while your in the hospital at all. Best wishes to you!
   — Carey N.

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