Has anyone taken Accutane (acne med.) post-op RNY & did it work for you?

I was wondering if anyone took Accutane the acne med. post-op RNY? If so any special precautions other than the normal ones we have to take as RNY'ers. Also did it work as well due to the fact that we don't absorbe things as much as we use to & did it cause you to lose your hair even more? Thanks!    — Allison T. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 23, 2002
Hi! My Dermatologist was gonna put me on Accutane but after reading this book that lists everysingle possible side effect I chickened out. One of the side effects was possible damage to your intestines, and being a new RNYer I didn't want to chance it. That and it said if you get a headache to call your doctor right away. Well, I live with headaches and didn't want to be bothering someone so much :p So instead he put me on a 3 month course of minocycline (an anti-acne antobiotic). Accutane works I hear, even for us RNYers but just make sure you look into the side effects and make sure it's worth the risk.
   — Renee V.

June 24, 2002
hi. is the accutane for acne? please try proactiv solution. i dont want to sound like an infomercial, but this really works. i started using it 5 years ago and it still works for me. look it up on the net.
   — christina K.

June 24, 2002
Hi, I have to agree with the last poster. Try the Proactiv first. Although I have never used Accutane, my husband just got off of it 2 months ago. He was a total grouch the whole time. He would get upset and continually talk about suicide, which he has never mentioned before. His doctor told him that depression was a possible side effect. Now that he is off of it, he is back to normal, and is the happy person he was before. And another thing is, his acne is coming back as though he never used Accutane, even with the Retin-A they prescibed for after care. After that bad episode with him I have purchased the Proactive. He and I included, never want him to go back on that stuff again.
   — Carey N.

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