what do you wear on the operating table???

do you wear your bra or anything like that for the surgery itself or are you comepletely nekkid??    — brandy H. (posted on June 21, 2002)

June 21, 2002
Your Nekkid!! but you have really good drugs so you could care a less.
   — Cindy W.

June 21, 2002
Ummm.... A smile??? U dont know your are nekkid U go in with a gown on and come out with a gown on but some stranger removes it when U are sleeping. I need to share a lil story that FREAKED me out... I had knee surgery in feb and was on my period. I went into the OR with a tampon in and woke up with it GONE>>>> Now I am not Dr but I know my choochie is NOT part of the Kneee!!!!! Ok thats all the sharing I am going to do today!~ It will be Ok U really dont care about the nekky part HONEST!
   — Sassy M.

June 21, 2002
When I got to the hospital in the morning, they had me take everything off (including bra and underwear) and put on two gowns (one as a robe). Then I had those thigh high stockings on to prevent clots. Everyone from the OR to the nurses who cared for me post-op were very good about keeping me covered up even while they were working on me. But to tell you the truth, I could have cared less! Nothing they haven't seen before anyway!
   — emilyfink

June 21, 2002
Hmmmmmm......AT first I thought maybe my little black Dolce & Gabbana ensemble but then I was leaning towards my Badgley Mischka with my Jimmy Choos... oooo, wait, those WERE good drugs because I woke up stark naked! Believe me, these people see naked bodies everyday- yours will be no different and you will not care. Also, your bra has metal on it (bad)and also would get in the way of surgery.... and totally be uncomfortable when you wake up!
   — Karen R.

June 21, 2002
I am STILL laughing at Connie's story!! Too funny!! Unfortunately, I was on my period the day of surgery...However, unlike Connie, I was told to remove it while undressing. The allowed a "pad" until right before I went into surgery. Other than the stylish little gown, I was just plain nekkid!! Whoops, I had little footie things & a really cute shower cap looking thing on my head!! I know, I was one "hot number!" Beatin the orderly back with my IV!!
   — chance2lv

June 21, 2002
You can't wear a tampon because if something went wrong, and you were out of it for a few days no one would remember to remove it. Also, you won't really be feeling like reaching down there right away to take it out yourself. I had my period too, and begged to use one. I even told them that my fiance would remove it afterward, and they said no. They gave me a huge hospital maxi pad to use while i waited in the presurgical room, but when i woke up, i had nothing, and there was a mess. But you know what? With the really don't care one bit.
   — Monica H.

June 21, 2002
Hi, I had to smile when I saw this question. They put one of those open in the back, barely fitting gowns on me, with nothing underneath and then wheeled me into the OR. As I layed there, before they started gassing me, the nurse handed me a blanket, I said to her, "I don't really feel comfortable with all of you seeing me naked". She came back with, "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone". I was so scared, (never having surgery before) that I didn't laugh about what she said until weeks later, haha! Don't worry about it, doctors and nurses have seen everything. Yes your naked, but nobody is going to care, not even you. Good luck to you! :)
   — Carey N.

June 21, 2002
Your birthday suit! Although you are draped, I think! Being a non medical person, I would like to know if surgeons and doctors really joke and talk about us as they are operating on us? Thank goodness we can't hear if they do!
   — Marilyn C.

June 21, 2002
I am still laughing hysterically over Connie AND Karens posts. I was shocked when I realized that I was going to be naked. I didnt think about it until it was too obvious. I bet they were laughing at me.
   — SusanMaria

June 21, 2002
You guys kill me with all your answers here! Too funny!! But seriously, I am a nurse and I will tell you from experience, we have seen it all. I have taken care of tiny, skinny, anorexic people and I have taken care of really large morbidly obese people. I have seen so many people naked that it doesnt even phase me anymore. (unless it's like the one day that I had to undress and bandage this handsome body builders boo-boos ALL over his body....that's one I will never forget);) By the way, the surgeries that I have been in on, the people were naked, but covered well with drapes. They do that to help keep a sterile field. And the question about the tampon, it's removed because they often harbor bacteria. It's just one more little source that could cause bacteria to get into the incisions. I love that story though, I think that would freak me out too, even knowing what I know. That's just a little too personal.
   — Cory F.

June 22, 2002
No one responded to my question about whether doctors and the operating team joke around and talk about the person on the table while they are under. I talked to a nurse one time and she said they DO even though they have confidentiality clause and all that stuff. I know on ER they do it and talk about their golf game as well. Guess it is hard to fathom that this is just another day on the job to them and they can't be serious all the time. I found the funniest Hallmark card and sent it to one of my WLS sisters. It showed a woman on the table under anesthesia and the team around her had placed a crown on her head, a swimsuit on top of her, and were laughing and taking pictures. We thought it was hilarious! Of course, I KNOW they don't do that but I guess the atmosphere can't be like a funeral home all the time. I know some surgeons play music while they operate. The end result, WLS surgery and weight loss, is worth any indignity we have to suffer anyway and since we are "out" who cares? This question is soooooo funny but interesting!
   — Marilyn C.

June 22, 2002
Marilyn - my thought is that as long as they do the job right and I'm healthy, let 'em have some fun while they work. Just respectfully of fat jokes, please. Let 'em chuckle at how I'm probably regretting the Tigger tattoo on my right calf...since it'll be a saggy site to see when I'm 80!!! (((HUGS)))- Anna
   — Anna L.

June 22, 2002
I had the brown "big girl" gown on, a fabulous shower cap thingy, and those little peds socks that they give you in the hospital, but when they weren't looking, I switched my socks to these cute black socks with blue flames, those little puff balls on the back, and on the bottom they said "HOTTIE" Doctor said the whole operating staff cracked up when they saw them....gotta keep the spirits light...
   — Melissa S.

June 22, 2002
sorry sweetie but you are bu** nekkid! lol...don't worry, you won't remember a thing! good luck! kate
   — jkb

June 26, 2002
I really hated the thought of being naked on the table, pre-op. I really am pretty modest. However, when I woke up post-op, with the morphine pump, I didn't even care when my cute male nurse gave me a bath and bathed ALL of me!
   — Kathy J.

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