Help, I need energy !!

Hi, I had surgery on 1/18/02. The problem that I seem to have is low energy. Even when I just wake up I still feel tired. My labs are normal. I went to GNC last week, and the lady at the counter sold me Ephedura 250mg Dietary Supplement. She told me that this would help my energy slump. Well, I have been taking it 3 times a day, like the bottle suggests, and so far I 'm more tired that ever. Does anyone know if it takes a while to kick in, or if there is a energy supplement out there that can help ?    — Sherry S. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
Hi... Please be very cautious about Ephedra as they are looking at it now regarding heart damage and heart issues. I am a post op too and often am very tired. What works for me is B12, making sure I take iron and when I am most tired eat protein foods. Also ironically exercise helps as it speeds the metabolism. There are many "hot" supplements out that the full story is not in on yet and Ephedra is one of them so maybe try something else. Good luck to you.
   — AJC750

June 19, 2002
OH NO! Don't take that junk!! Lots of people end up in the ER with problems on Ephedura. Are you on a B-12 shot? Sometimes people get tired right before the shot. You might want to switch to a B-12 sublinqual instead. Also, how is your diet? You need high protein, and some carbs. How often are you eating? You should be eating reqular healthy meals. Last to suggest using a potassium salt (Morton's No salt) in the summer to replace the potassium pushed out by the heat and mega water drinking..which you should be doing also. Hope something helps! Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

June 19, 2002
I agree with the other posters, throw that junk away.... Are you taking B-12 supplements? If you are maybe that is not enough and you should consider the injection of B-12. I would talk to your doctor. One time when I went through a very "tired" time, it was becasue my iron was low, maybe you should have that double checked.. Good luck to you...
   — Malynda S.

June 19, 2002
Just another thought... do you exhibit any other signs of clinical depression? Examples include loss of interest in activities that you previously found enjoyable; difficulty falling asleep; difficulty staying asleep; waking up earlier than usual; increased or decreased appetite; feelings of loss or hopelessness. These are just a few. If you have one more of those, in addition to the lack of energy you mention, you may have a chemical imbalance that would benefit from a six-month course of anti depressants. A lot of people on this site recommend Wellbutrin because it is an energizing anti-depressant. I use Zoloft. This may not be your solution, but since your labs are normal, I thought I would toss it out as another possibility.
   — Karen F.

June 19, 2002
A few years ago when I was in high school Ephedra use had just started to get popular. I had taken it a few times for a "pick me up" and I ended up in the ER with severe stomach pains. The told me it was from the Ephedra. It also raises your blood pressure and your heart rate. It is like the legal form of speed. And it is just as dangerous. Please don't take it!
   — fropunka

June 19, 2002
I forgot something far as you being more tired then ever, when you take Ephedra you get a temporary burst of energy or a "high" and then you "crash" and you are very tired. I wouldn't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole. Maybe you should talk to your surgeon or a nutritionist. They could give you some safe ways to raise your energy level. Good luck!
   — fropunka

June 19, 2002
Are you taking all your vitamins? Multivitamin 2x/day plus B-12, calcium, and iron? That's the first thing to look at. Here's one thing that I found that worked: Centrum Performance. It's a multivitamin that has everything in regular Centrum, plus extra B-vitamins for energy. I take two a day and I cannot tell you what a difference it has made. It's not just me! My mother (post-op) and two non-WLSer friends have also made the switch and noticed the difference. Walmart sells an off-brand with the same ingredients and percentages. Give it a try and stay away from the scary herbs!! :)
   — PT LawMom

June 19, 2002
I took Ephedura a few years ago. Instead of taking the diet pills, three of them for three times a day (nine total) I only took one pill three times a day. You know what? My heart raced so bad that I did'nt dare go to sleep that night as I was afraid I'd have a heart attack. They are BAD NEWS. As far as having no energy, I'm a year out and I still don't have any! I have B-12 shots (2x a month) and take vitamins and I'm still very tired. I've had tests and no one knows why. But I do know Ephedura is NOT the answer. Please reconsider and throw them out.
   — Danmark

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