What do I eat on vacation?

Hi, I had my surgery on May 28,2002. I am planning on going on a trip at the end of August of this year. How do I handle eating? How does everyone else handle this when they are 90 days out from surgery? Thanks so much. Barb lap rny 5/28/02    — Barbara P. (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
I just eat the same as before, just the tiny portions. I still avoid milk & sugar, at home or out. I still take my proteins & vites, at home or out. No diff to me. Are you expecting different foods will bother you?
   — vitalady

June 11, 2002
Hi Barb: I am on the road CONSTANTLY every day and I bought this really cool little insulated cool pak with a shoulder strap on it. About the same size or just a little smaller than my purse. Each day I stick some cheese, crackers,1/2 sandwich etc. in it. This way I don't have to worry about what I am going to eat. I buy the individual string cheese things and I even throw in those yogarts that are in those plastic bag things that are really easy to eat. Anything that you can fix at home can go with you. Those little lunchables are great also. They come complete with meat,cheese and crackers. Good Luck
   — Joi G.

June 12, 2002
If you can find an Applebee's close by - they have awesome salads and they cut up the vegi's fine enough that it goes down well after chewing a lot. They can come topped with chicken and I always eat that first to get more protein in. It's really good - I don't think you'll have any problems - by August after having surgery in May - you'll be on that test & go type of stage. Your body will absolutely let you know when you've eaten something it doesn't like.
   — Lisa J.

June 12, 2002
If you are traveling with someone who is a light eater, you might order something you both like and share--your portion shouldn't be enough to bother them. =) I often split something with my daughter. If you are traveling with a bigger eater, you might order soup or order an appetizer so you can have a few bites of their meal without depriving them of their food. I haven't been anywhere that they didn't have SOMETHING I could eat--now whether it was what I should have been eating or not is another matter! ;) Don't worry--you'll do fine and you'll have a great time too cuz you are smaller and you'll travel better!
   — ctyst

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