Sitting On A 3 Months Plateau HELPPPPPPPPP !!!!!
I had Surgery June 25th 2001 and lost 125 lbs so far but have been sitting on a 3 months plateau and can't get rid of any more weight. Need help bad !!!! — Birgit T. (posted on June 10, 2002)
June 10, 2002
Try cutting out ALL refined sugars. This did the trick for me.
— Terissa R.
June 11, 2002
I also had a plateau for a couple of months. Are you eating enough protein?
I shoot for 100 grams a day. That also helps with sweets cravings. Drinking
enough water? Exercising? Eating small frequent meals? Look at your routine
and see what you could change that might shake things up. If all else
fails, go back on liquids for a few days to see if that helps. Good luck!
— ctyst
June 11, 2002
Egads! 3 months? Congrats by the way on the 125 down. I'm only 4 months
post-op but am experiencing a 3 weeks plateau so far. Had to really
examine why this was occuring and decided to ask a few questions to myself:
Am I exercising enough? Drinking enough water? Snacking between meals,
or perhaps having too many carb snacks or carbs with my meal? Am I eating
enough protein? I decided to add a protein shake, watch the inbetween meal
snacking, and increase the exercise. Hopefully the scale will cooperate!
I suggest you go back to the basics that we all learned in the beginning.
See if that helps
— Cindy R.
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