I'm 4 months out, down 67 pounds, and am EXHAUSTED!

All of a sudden, I am soooooo exhausted. My body aches, I could sleep all the time, and I'm doing everything by the book! I get my protein, water, and vitamins. It's getting to the point that work is almost more than I can take, and forget getting out and doing anything takes all my energy just to make a living! Is this normal?    — Michelle B. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 3, 2002
I remember being sooo very tired also. I just happened to have my yearly check up about that time....I was low on vitamin b-12. I now get a shot every month...I had nooooo idea I could have so much energy!!!! You might want to get yours checked. Hope this helps. Best of luck to you.
   — deb_wls2001

June 3, 2002
I had a lot of energy at about that time...then all of a sudden BOOM I was tired all the time....why? I had changed from my flinstones with iron to a centrum without iron and hadn't realized it. When I changed to a multi with iron, all of a sudden my engery came back! :)
   — Ilene M.

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