Is Post Op eating anything similar to Diabetic eating?

My boyfriend was recently diagnosed Diabetic Type 2. While researching what he can eat, I keep seeing "bariatric surgery" information. Is what I will be able to eat POST OP pretty much the same as what Diabetics eat?    — Wendyrvp (posted on May 31, 2002)

May 30, 2002
It's very similar, especially in the first 6 months post-op. I am now 15 months post-op and can eat a little bit of just about anything, but sugar really bothered me early post-op, and I was pretty much following a diabetic diet.
   — Terissa R.

May 31, 2002
My husband was just diagnosed with diabetes. Boy, is the information different from what it was before! Now you can have sugar just like any other carb. The flyers he got told him to eat 60 grams of carbs for 3 meals, plus a 30 gram carbohydrate snack. He is to hold his protein consumption to 6 ounces per day and watch his fat intake. Now, I don't know about you, but that sounds just plain wrong to me! First of all, 6 oz of protein is about 50 grams, give or take. He weighs 260 pounds! And 180 grams of carbs A DAY!?! They want him to lose weight, but all those carbs make him stay hungry all the time. All I can say is if it controls his blood sugar I won't complain, but I won't be going on HIS diet anytime soon. I don't want to gain weight!
   — ctyst

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