Any WLS support groups in Eau Claire or near by?

I am going to be moving to Eau Claire Wisconsin and need to know if there is a support group in the city or in the area. Would love to connect with other post ops so if you are out there please email me! Thanks    — purdue_1993 (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 29, 2002
Gunderson Lutheran in La Crosse, WI which is approx. 1 and1/2 hours away from Eau Claire has a support group the last Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. I know bariatric procedures are not done at either of the Eau Claire hospitals, but you could call them and inquire. I believe one is Lutheran, the other St. Mary's. Also you can do an inquiry for Wisconsin cities....look up people from Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls and contact them by e-mail. They would probably know of the closest support group. Hope this helps.
   — Stacey G.

May 30, 2002
Hi Amy. I am a post op who lives in Eau Claire, WI, so I thought I should post a response. We used to have a support group that met at the library, but that fizzled out after people stopped showing up, etc. I work at Uniprise in town here, and there are about a dozen of us here that have had the surgery, so we chat here at work. There are a whole bunch of post ops in the Eau Claire/Chippewa Falls area, you can find them on this site under Find Peers. So I guess someone just needs to take the initiative again to get a group going. If you ever want to get together, let me know! You can check out my profile for my info on my WLS story.
   — Melissa B.

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