Drinking water/diet does it get better after time?

I know this is a stupid questions but have to ask....I was just reading my post-op guidelines for diet/water intake. It says to drink 1 oz of liquid and take about 15 minutes and to take sips..I currently drink quite a bit of water but take regular drinks...will i be able to take normal drinks after my surgery - maybe a few months down the road.?? i can't imagine drinking 1 oz of water every 15 minutes when now i can drink at least 3 oz at a time? I realize i need to change the patterns/habits but was just wondering if this changes?    — Becky M. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
Not if you are like me. I am 7 weeks post-op tomorrow. I get angry about not being able to drink like I used to. I have to take little tiny sips or else I get really bad tightness and have to burp for a couple of hours. I am still having a hard time getting my liquids this way. I sure hope it gets better soon.
   — jm3218

May 6, 2002
At first it will be very slow but the farther out you get the easier it is to drink. I am out 18 months and can drink quite a bit at one time. But you will never be able to just to chug-a-lug a 16 oz bottle of any thing again.
   — Dennis J. B.

May 6, 2002
They start us on 1 oz per 5 minutes. WOW. At first that seemed like a rushing torrent! But after a couple weeks, I could drink normally just not glug down 8 oz without a breath! Once some of your comorbs are gone, chances are you won't be insanely thirsty, too. So, your thirst may match your ability to drink PERFECTLY.
   — vitalady

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