Has anyone ever had their gallstones treated non-surgically?

I was just diagnosed with gallstones and am scheduled to have it removed next week. I have had several people tell me that I should try other treatments to get rid of the stones rather than surgery. Someone had mentioned about the shock wave therapy to break up the stones. Has anyone gotten rid of their gallstones any other way rather than surgery? Also, after having your gallbladder removed, has anyone experienced any real problems? Thanks.    — Melissa L. (posted on May 3, 2002)

May 2, 2002
I had my gb out lap in Nov 2001, and had lap rny in feb 2002. I had no problems whatsoever from the gb (before or after), and very little pain. I also have had few problems (other than self inflicted) and little pain w/the rny, but I know that's not how everyone is. As far as the non-surgical treatment for the gb goes, it can break up the stones you have, but I don't think it does anything to prevent or deter you from getting more. The reason a lot of people having wls get their gbs out is because the rapid weight loss causes gallstones. If you have the stones broken up, then have wls, you'll probably get more. You should speak to your doctor about it and ask their opinion.
   — GGinMA

May 3, 2002
My doc found a bunch of gallstones pre-op, and planned on taking the gb out lap during my lap RNY... but it was not possible. I am taking a drug called Actigal to break up the stones, and hopefully it works! Otherwise, it is back in there to have it removed. I had an attack late last winter, and I never want to go through THAT again. I couldn't walk for a week! Good luck to you!
   — kultgirl

May 3, 2002
When I had my gall bladder out my doctor told me that removal is the only permanent solution. When they break up the stones you can actually have more problems because the new little pieces have ragged edges that can cut your bile ducts when they pass. With the drugs, you can always get more stones later. I had my gall bladder removed laparoscopically while I was pregnant and had an easy recovery, that's how safe it is! Good luck whatever you choose!
   — cjabates

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