I am almost 8 months post-op (open RNY) and haven't had a period for the past two

months. I am 41 years old and don't think it is menopause. My PCP said it is probably due to the weight loss and amount of estrogen. Has anyone else experienced this?    — Debbi C. (posted on May 2, 2002)

May 2, 2002
Hi Debbie C...I am 3 months post-op and have not had a period the last two months. I too was concerned because pre-op, I was very regular. I called my surgeon's office to see if this was normal for WLS patients and he said it is common and felt it was due to the significant weight loss and the increased estrogen as well. He suggested that I call my gynecologist for a check-up. Since he said it is quite common, I haven't rushed to make an appointment but I think I will soon just to find out what effect not having my period will have on my body and to find out if medical intervention is necessary to restore regularity. Hope everything works out for you. Take care.
   — Julie K.

May 2, 2002
Debbie...Before I even had surgery, I hadn't had my period for 3 months. The other months before that I would have my period but they would be so light and would last for only like two days. I had my surgery November 26th 2001 and every since February 24, 2002, I have had my period on the regular each month between the 24 or 26th. I have never been regular like that. As you can see between those months, I did not have a period. My doctor said because I had gained 10 lbs before my surgery, that is why I hadn't had my period. Then after surgery since I had lost so much weight so quickly, that was also why I had not had my period. So as you can see, our weight has something to do with it. Be patience honey, I never thought i would say this but you will see it soon!! Can you believe it, there is at least 2 reasons to want to see our periods!! LOL
   — sistabodean

May 3, 2002
I have to laugh every time I hear the reasoning behind why or why not a "fat" women, maybe or may not get her period! The always, has something to do with being "fat"!! I wonder what the Dr. tells thin women when they miss a period? I wasn't regular a day in my life before I had this surgery. Now when the 28th of the month comes around I am like clock work....only this time (since surgery) I am bleeding so heavily...and the cramps are excrutiating!! I questioned my Dr. about it...and he said I am more regular now because of the rapid weightloss...and the cramping has to do with the amount of estrogen my body is getting rid of!! OIY VEY!!! I tell always has something to do with my weight. looks to me like some of you are skipping a period...and some of us are more regular since surgery..but either way, I guess it all comes down to the weight thing once again. Just got a chuckle out of this....and needed to respond.
   — Lisa B.

August 3, 2004
I just skipped one as well and am very concerned-I am near my goal weight and I think it is due to the rapid and large weight loss as well. I was previously one who rarely skipped a month unless I was pregnant and am not pregnant now.
   — Lylah F.

August 3, 2004
I just skipped one as well and am very concerned-I am near my goal weight and I think it is due to the rapid and large weight loss as well. I was previously one who rarely skipped a month unless I was pregnant and am not pregnant now.
   — Lylah F.

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