Anyone with post op GI Bleed?

Hi I am five months post op and appear to have developed a post op GI bleed of some sort. I went to the bathroom the other day to have a bowel movement and it had blood in it. I saw my surgeon and am scheduled for both an upper and lower scoping! While I am glad we are getting to the bottom of this I am scared. Anybody else experience this and what did it turn out to be?    — purdue_1993 (posted on April 27, 2002)

April 27, 2002
I am wondering if maybe you had a hemmaroid(sp) that is bleeding. If you have blood in bowl movements is is usually very dark almost black looking, If you are seeing bright red I am not so sure it is coming from a GI problem. But it is always a good idea to contact your Doctor and have it checked out Best of Luck Jeri
   — Jeri P.

April 28, 2002
Have you started any new medication lately? A few months ago when I started taking Prevacid for heartburn, I had blood in my poop, or there was at least blood in the toilet. Like the previous poster said, usually when there is actual blood in your stool, it is black and tarry, which can be quite serious. It didn't have that--I had fresh, red blood (sorry to be so graphic). Anyway, I went to my doctor, and she gave me a thorough exam. She concluded that it was the Prevacid, and I guess she was right because just a day or two later, the bleeding stopped. I still take the Prevacid with no problems. Good luck!
   — Kristie B.

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