2 Months post-op and my appetite is back full blast

I'm 2 months post-op and can't stop eating I can now eat a whole bag of M&M and then I get depressed that my weight loss will stop and I eat some more, I'm so sure I'm going to be the one failure....    — Diane B. (posted on April 26, 2002)

April 26, 2002
The dr told me, I can put you in the Drivers Seat Jacki, but i can't make you drive it properly. That IS UP TO YOU. We all get our appitites back. Govern what you put in your mouth. Buy or make some no sugar snacks and low fat items. Drink drink drink water and crystal lite etc. Then when you get hungry fill up on what is good for you. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OR YOU WILL BE BACK UP WHERE YOU STARTED. GOOD LUCK
   — Jackiis

April 26, 2002
DB, You are probably feeling hungry for a few reasons...first, when you eat something like M&M's my guess is that they melt in you stomach (or mouth like the commercials used to say) and are therefore not giving you that full feeling. I had a Roux N Y so my procedure was different than yours so take what I say with this in mind. I have totally found that eating protein makes a huge difference in that full feeling for me. Also, I can understand the craving for chocolate. How about a glass of chocolate milk made with some extra powdered milk and sugar free Nesquik? It is not crunchy like M&M's but I think that you would feel satisfied with the chocolate craving and that the protein might stick with you longer. Finally, try not to have things like M&M's around to tempt you (the old Weight Watchers adage of "red light foods"). That way you can work at forming the habits that will help you to be a huge success! I wish you luck!
   — Kierstin C.

April 26, 2002
I don't want to sound cruel, but why did you have the surgery? You need to take some time and think about what you were trying to accomplish by having this surgery. It is a tool and only a tool. I would suggest that you seek some professional help or get into a support group ASAP. The hunger you are feeling is "Head Hunger" and no surgery in the world is going to alleviate that. You can do it!! You made the committment to go through with surgery, make the committment to succeed. Good luck.
   — Lynn R.

April 26, 2002
I don't know if this is what is going on with you, but it might be worth investigating and/or seeking counseling for. Read my profile (the entry dated 4/24/02) Good Luck!
   — DJeffrey

April 26, 2002
At 2 months my hunger came back with a vengeance. I had to start eating more often and smaller meals. If you call it a meal, you will grab some kind of 'meal food' instead of calling it a snack and grabbing junk. I had to play mind games with myself. And when I started supplementing protein, I was able to cut out those extra meals. I am now back to 2-3 meals a day plus 2-3 protein drinks, each in-between a meal when I get a craving. I used to do 5-6 small meals a day. The protein drinks are so much easier, very satisfying and I don't have to think, 'protein first' anymore. I didn't think that I would be one to do them, but now I love them!
   — Cheri M.

April 26, 2002
D.B. There is a common myth out there that you "can't gain weight with the DS." Not true. You can eat your way around any surgery--it doesn't matter which one you had. You need to get rid of the M&M's and the other junk foods you're vulnerable to until you can get control over what's driving you to eat. <p>Then learn to eat protein at EVERY meal. You will not have the craving for junk if you will follow this advice. You also should have high protein snack foods around for those in-between-meal hunger pangs. I keep jerky, pepperoni sticks, almonds and peanuts in my drawer at work. Whenever I get hungry, I grab one of these items. It really has worked for me. It will work for you, too, but you have to decide to get rid of the sugar, and the sooner the better. <p>For the DS patient, sugar is absorbed at 100%. You do not want or need that right now since you are currently in the honeymoon phase of weight loss. <p>Please email me if you have any questions. I'd be glad to help you any way I can. Best wishes to you.
   — artistmama

April 26, 2002
Thank you all for the (as usual) support and the wise suggestions, you're all so right I'll get my butt off the couch and go buy protein everything and no more whining... Thanks... Diane
   — Diane B.

April 26, 2002
I guess that is one of the advantages of RNY vs DS. Sugar will make you dump with RNY, and that is supposed to help change your eating habits. I have a friend that had VGB about 5 years ago and after loosing 150 lbs, went right back to his old eating habits, sugar, fat, etc, and has now gained almost all of it back.
   — Dell H.

July 29, 2002
if you find anyone out there that understands and is willing to help, send them my way1 I AM GOING THROUGH SIMILAR PROBLEMS. I AM BI POLAR. DO YOU THINK THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY PROBLEM? sorry about the caps. that was accidental. if anyone can help me and not tell me how ive messed up , please email me at [email protected]

July 29, 2002
if you find anyone out there that understands and is willing to help, send them my way1 I AM GOING THROUGH SIMILAR PROBLEMS. I AM BI POLAR. DO YOU THINK THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY PROBLEM? sorry about the caps. that was accidental. if anyone can help me and not tell me how ive messed up , please email me at [email protected]

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