When should you look into seeing a plastic surgeon if you think you might need a tt?
I had a revision in July of last year and have lost about 70-75 lbs so far. I am still about 50 lbs away from my goal. When should I see a plastic surgeon? Is it too early to start or what? Advice, please. — Michele :. (posted on April 22, 2002)
April 22, 2002
From all of the research I have done they recommend that 3-4 months after
you have reached your goal then you can start to look. The reason is that
this allows you skin to settle.
— Richard M.
April 22, 2002
I'm 7 months out. I've lost 156 and I'm 30 away from goal. I've already
began looking! Actually, I've already consulted with one, and have another
consult on Thursday. Not like I plan on having the tummy tuck and arm lift
tomorrow...but I need to figure out which dr. I want...I need insurance
approval and if I can't get that, I need time to get money together. I am
governed by the fact that my insurance will be over when I am 25, which is
Feb. '03. I am hopefully looking at a surgery time around my one year
anniversary, all the way up until my b-day.
— Kristin R.
April 22, 2002
You can have the tummy tuck when your within 20 pounds of your goal weight.
It's a good idea to start interviewing plastic surgeons now. You want to
have time to check there credentials, look at before and after pics of
people who had the same procedure, talk with those people to see how the
surgery went for them and what they thought of the doctor and meet the
doctor and decide if you feel comfortable enough with them to let them do
this surgery on you.
It's a very important and expensive surgery and you want to make sure you
have the most qualified person doing it.
— Patty H.
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