Anyone using an insulin pump who's had wls? How did it go?

   — cp (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 18, 2002
Hi CP. I was not on an insulin pump...but I was on insulin shots before surgery. I was taking 90 units plus a sliding scale AM and PM of a humalog 75/25 mix pen. I took my insulin shot the night before surgery. After surgery, while in the hospital they would test my BG levels about 4 times a day and after each time they would give me small amounts of the humalog insulin. I am talking very small amounts like less than 10 units. I was also told that if my levels had been really out of control that they could have put me on an insulin drip. I would venture that with the pump they would take you off of it prior to surgery and readjust your levels before releasing you from the hospital. 2 weeks after surgery I was taking half of the amount of insulin that I was before. 5 weeks after surgery I was taken off insulin and put on 1 oral med, prandin, which I take before each meal if my levels are over 160. I am 8 weeks post op and my A1C is now 7.6 it was 10.6 before surgery. I am getting there. You did not mention if you are a type I or II diabetic. If type II this surgery really helps. Best of luck to you.
   — SARose61

April 20, 2002
Hi CP I just recently had wls and I do not have a pump but my 8 year old son has had one for a while I would think it would be fine as long as your basel rates are good try fasting to see if your glucose levels remain the same if they do then your basels are perfect remeber the whole idea of the pump is to allow you to eat or not when you want you will not be eating very many carbs so when you bolus you may have to adjust to insulin to carb ratio hope this helps
   — Laurie H.

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