Anyone ever get diarrhea after drinking Zero Carb Isopure?

I tried this protein drink and it really upset my stomach and had me in the restroom all day? Has anyone ever experienced this?    — Michele :. (posted on April 16, 2002)

April 16, 2002
Thank god isn't just me!! I was guzzling the stuff down since I like the taste and then WHOA!! I had to run not walk to the bathroom... it took several hours for everything to calm down!! :-)
   — Allie A.

April 16, 2002
Yes, and I'd rather not remember, thanks all the same.
   — Chuck O.

April 16, 2002
I have this problem with all of the protein drinks- I cannot find ONE that doesn't send me to the bathroom- The isopure lasted the longest thoug- bout 1/2 hour..... any suggestons for getting protein in and having it stay?
   — ~~Stacie~~

April 16, 2002
I have also found if I drink too much Crystal Lite I have the back door trotts. I think it is the sweetner they use. I also have the runs if I use whey protein b/c I am lactose intollerant. I now use soy products. Works better. Hope this helps. sandy
   — sandy W.

April 16, 2002
4-16-02 Hi. In regards to drinking the Isopure protein drinks. . . I have had no problem. Isopure also makes a 40 grm protein drink, zero carbs, zero sugars, it's like a Gatorade type drink. It comes in 5 or 6 different flavors and is sold in a glass bottle. GNC sells it too. Good luck! Lisa Norris
   — Lisa N.

April 17, 2002
Hi, I was drinking the whey protein powder for about 2months now and I get the raging diarrhea BAD!! So I tried the Atkins protein shakes and they taste great!! and best of all, no diarrhea either!! 20 grams of protein, 2 gms sugar and lots of potassium!! Later on down the road, I may add some extra protien in it to boost up the protein. Best of Luck to you!!
   — Laura G.

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