What is the deal when it comes to drinking alcohol post-op?

My surgeon told me to wait a year, because it can cause problems with the liver, but I have seen where doctors do let their patients have a drink before a year. I am not an alcohol. I haven't had a drink since Christmas. When I do drink it is something light like Arbor Mist (wine with fruit juice). I'm also going on a cruise, I can't have a pina colada if I drank it slowly?????    — Lisa N M. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 3, 2002
I am almost four months post-op and do drink a few glasses of wine now and then. Usually red. I avoid fruit juice so I skip mixed drinks, and no more beer becasue of the carbonation. I am not worried about the calories, because I typically follow a farily low cal diet AND always low carb, so I don't feel guilty indulging a bit if I want to have a drink. I haven't had any problems...I do plan to ask my doc about it on my next follow up though - just to make sure it's not harmful for my liver.
   — PaulaM

June 3, 2002
I sometimes order a glass of red wine with dinner out but I don't finish it. If I'm having drinks I have a bloody Mary. There is less sugar in that than most drinks.
   — Robert L.

June 4, 2002
The pina colada might make you dump!!! I sometimes have one glass of wine or one beer, but it affects me very, very quickly. I've heard that some post-ops have been stopped for DWI after just one drink b/c it goes right into our bloodstreams (and too much, therefore, would affect your liver). Be careful, and if you do it in moderation you should be fine.
   — PT LawMom

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