Cna someone please explain just what a Stricture is?

I spent about an hour look at past postings and the library, I could not find anything that explained what this is Thanks    — j P. (posted on April 13, 2002)

April 13, 2002
Hi. A stricture is scar tissue built up either in your esophagus or in the stoma. They run a scope down and dilate (stretch)the stricture and then it heals over. I have never had to have it done, but my mother has this procedure done once a year and I have seen pictures the doctor has shown me of the strictures (she has two in her esophagus). She has never had WLS. It is due to excess acid reflux. I was a little nervous before I had the surgery because I knew it was a possible complication, but I am 2 1/2 months post-op and have never had one. I hope this helps and I also know one of the symptoms of a stricture is the difficulty in swallowing anything and getting it to go down. I also am not saying a person who has had WLS and has had a stricture will have it over and over. It may only happen once or maybe more than once. Hope this helps.
   — Jeanie B.

April 14, 2002
i thought for 4 months that i may have a stricture because i had problem eatting most foods and even drinking. i finally went for a EGD last tuesday and had it corrected. i can now eat more than i think i should but am not spitting up every little thing i put in my mouth. it was a very quick and easy problem to take care of. 4 months post-op, down 94lbs.
   — ann M.

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