Has anyone used SlimFast after surgery?

has any post op taken slim fast. I mean, has anyone tried it.    — maryann O. (posted on April 4, 2002)

April 4, 2002
Check the sugar content on slim fast. If you are getting an RNY, it is so high in sugar that it can cause dumping syndrome. You would be best off trying one of the low carb protien drinks that don't have any sugar.
   — Dell H.

April 4, 2002
Are you wanting to stop your wt loss? I know some of us shoot by goal wt prety fast. But usually, an all sugar drink like this only adds back on FAT, and we'd really rather have muscle. Also, the wt can bounce back up on it's own. You were not thinking of this as a fresh post-op, right? As Dell said, it is WAY too high in sugar, about the same as a regular soda. You might want to try real protein drinks, not the canned ones you find in the grocery. Not the same animal at all!
   — vitalady

April 5, 2002
Slimfast makes a soy based product also. I'm told it does not have the high sugar content. Several RNY patients I know use it.
   — grammie5

April 6, 2002
If youa re going to try it I would buy a can of each flavor to see which you like. It is expensive and some of it has been compared to tasting like cat doo doo. Some flavors some people like better than others.
   — Rebecca K.

April 7, 2002
Hi there! I am not a doctor but I do not reccomend Slim Fast. WAY to high in Carbs. I have checked all labels on all the flavors to see if I could have it( something I do all the time now. ) and after talking to my doctor He said NO WAY! I choose a whey protien found at a health food store and I add 2 equal and a tiny bit of flavor extract with water and it goes down smooth. BTY... I am just about 7 weeks post op and down 46lbs. GOOD luck .
   — swtnsxy0219

April 7, 2002
My doc recommended SlimFast as a protein supplement until we are eating the required 50 grams of protein per day. I drank 1-2 cans per day as a meal supplement for about 6 weeks and haven't used it since. I liked the chocolate ones best, slightly frozen. I had the duodenal switch, so the sugar or carb content was irrelevant to me, but is apparently important to RNY-ers and people who still feel the need to impose diet-like restrictions on their eating. More important is getting the required amount of protein, the total caloric intake and energy expenditure. Good Luck.
   — merri B.

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