Does Wellbutrin cause weight gain?

Does anyone know that Wellbutrin causes weight gain I read somewhere that it did but my PCP told me it had the least side effects but I have gained 60lbs since I started taking it a year and a half ago and can't lose anything I am suppose to stay on it another 6 months. Thanks Juliet    — Juliet W. (posted on April 4, 2002)

April 3, 2002
I'm not on it but a coworker is and she has been losing weight her doctor expected it would help her to lose it. They also prescribe it to smokers to help them quit smoking. Perhaps you should ask your pharmacist.
   — Candace F.

April 3, 2002
I was on Wellbutrin for a while for depression and it also made me gain weight. My doctor then changed me to Effexor, which is MUCH better. It helped me lose a little and kept the depression at bay. I would definitely change!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 3, 2002
My primary care doctor just added Wellbutrin to my diet pills. I causes WEIGHT LOSS. And unlike Prozac, where the weight loss effect only lasts a few months, he said that Welbutrin continues to support weight loss for as long as you take it. This is part of my final 12 week diet plan. I have been on it two weeks along with my regular antidepressant, Effexor, and have lost 15 lbs. It makes me feel great.
   — Laurie V.

April 3, 2002
Juliet, when doctors say that such-and-such drug has such-and-such side effects, the part that they usually leave is: "for most people." I've been on a bunch of antidepressants and other psych meds over the years. Wellbutrin killed my appetite for the first year, and I lost a lot of weight very easily. Most people are like me --it does not cause weight gain and can even cause weight loss. But you may be the exception. I've had that kind of experience before. Most people do not gain excessive weight on Trileptal, but I felt ravenous all the time -- and I gained 40 pounds in three months. Because that wasn't a side effect that was "supposed" to happen, it took longer for both my doctor and myself to recognize what was going on and to switch me to something else. Increased appetite can be a side effect of any antidepressant. If you feel uncomfortable staying on the Wellbutrin, I would talk very directly and firmly with your doctor about your desire to make a change. If you're like me, gaining lots of weight is NOT helping your depression.
   — Tally

April 4, 2002
Ya know the funny thing is all of these newer medications for dealing with depression, anxiety, etc., have so much research left to be done. They really don't even know how safe some medications are long term, and I certainly wouldn't doubt that a medicine that could promote weight loss in one, may have an opposite effect in another. Good luck to you. If you are concerned, you could always ask the Dr. for a different type of medicine.
   — Michelle H.

April 4, 2002
Hi Juliet, I agree with Tally. I think that different drugs have totally different reactions on different people. I have been on weelbutrin for about 6 months, and after a brief adjustment period seem to be doing well. I gained on Prozac and my doc reccomended shifting to Wellbutrin because it is often known for encouraging weight loss. I don't think it always works that way though, such an individul thing. Talk tyo your doc and good luck. Tracey
   — Tracey L.

January 25, 2003
I don't know if Wellbutrin causes weight gain, but I gained weight and couldn't get it off while on Zoloft. I even quit breast feeding my second child when she was six months old thinking the "munchies" would go away. When they didn't I thought I was nuts. Finally saw my pcp who informed that some antidepressants can make it very hard to lose weight, and that they can affect each person differently. He weaned me to Celexa, which got rid of the hungries, but left me sleepy. Now I'm on generic Prozac; so far so good. Just some headaches and insomnia. My mom takes Wellbutrin for her menopause and steadily lost weight last year without effort. Go figure.
   — polarbearbabe

January 26, 2003
I agree with the previous posters who said that Wellbutrin's effects vary from person to person. When I first went on Wellbutrin, it inspired me to lose 80 pounds (on Weight Watchers). I then developed foot problems, and couldn't walk anymore (my preferred form of exercise back then), and gained 68 pounds back, all while on Wellbutrin (and the depression returned -- surprise!). So in my personal experience, I yo-yo'd both down AND up while on this anti-depressant. I've been off all anti-depressants since just before my WLS -- and don't miss 'em, though I'd go back for treatment if it was needed. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

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