Is it possible to experience dumping effects BEFORE surgery?

I don't exactly know what happened to me last night. I am pre-op, but what I experienced was very weird and seemed to be almost like descriptions of dumping. I went to In and Out Burger (yes I'm bad, I know) and had a burger, fries, soda, and shared a shake. I went to bed a few hours later, but was woken up after about an hour. I felt really funny, and my heart was just racing in my chest. I felt like I had just run up a few flights of stairs or something. Anyway, on top of that I just felt weird, really bad. It's hard to explain. I think it lasted maybe an hour or so. So, I don't really know what that was about (I think that it will keep me from In and Out, though), but does anyone know what might have caused it? Is it possible to experience dumping before surgery? Oh, and I know I am not lactose intolerant, because I drink milk every day and do fine. Thanks guys.    — Jennifer Y. (posted on March 28, 2002)

March 28, 2002
Your description sounds like an anxiety attack to me. I used to get them before I started on Paxil and it only happened at night. Don't ask me why. Dumping usually has a GI component associated w/it-nausea, diarrhea, severe cramps or a combo along w/weakness, clamminess, much like symptoms of a blood sugar drop (although w/blood sugar drop you don't tend to have the GI component). Some people report dumping symptoms after Gallbladder removal (non-wls patients) as well as after surgeries that involve stomach, upper intestine resection. It is not limited to WLS patients only.
   — jsuggs

March 28, 2002
Jennifer, Before I even read the other posting, as I was reading yours, I said to myself, "anxiety attack". They can be horrible and scary, but can be controlled. If you continue to have problems, be sure to tell your dr. Good Luck
   — Tammy B.

March 28, 2002
Our minds have such and impact on our body that I feel like I have become so obsessed with having this surgery, I have convinced myself that I experience feelings like dumping syndrome whenever I eat really sugary or greasy things. It sounds really dumb and maybe it is, but it just seems like since I ALWAYS have this surgery on my mind, I have convinced myself I already experience these things so it won't be so bad when I actually do have the surgery. Am I making any sense here? lol
   — Kelly M.

March 28, 2002
I have to agree about the fact that it sounds like anxiety. I suffered from attacks for 10 years. I recently had my gall bladder out and suffer from severe dumping on foods like cheese quasadias. The dumping is definitely different from the anxiety and it definitely isn't easy to control once it starts. Just a thought
   — Beffy W.

March 29, 2002
YUP! I didn't know that what I was experiencing pre-op was similar if not the same as 'dumping' post op. Forever, I've had the worst time with peanut butter, and couldn't explain it properly. Now that I have experienced 'dumping' post-op, I realize that it is most likely the same thing. In both situations, I experienced racing heart/hot flashes/weakness/light-headedness/ followed a short time later by diarrhea. I guess when are bodies are given more than they can process of sugars/fats/carbs, that we go into an insulin overload first, then crash. Not pleasant experiences in any event. As for post-op dumping, that's what I paid for with my RNY & am very happy that this negative behavior exists! I need 'policing' still, and am 7months post op (-70lbs), & the sugars still call!! Only now, the dumping helps me avoid the whole issue quite well. Peggy
   — PEG L.

March 29, 2002
YES, I have to say YES. Because it happened to me all the time. I do believe it had to do with my endocrine situation and/or insulin resistance. My body still cannot/ and at the time could not process foods like others could. My dumping post-op was sometimes not as SEVERE as pre-op because of the amount of food I could ingest- however it was the same effect & symptoms. Definitly NOT an anxiety attack for me. Although it was/and still is a very stressful time, and it feels like hell. My pre/post op "dumping" however always lead to a episode involving sitting on the toliet, sweating profusely, ripping my clothes off, having major gastro-intestinal distress etc. until my bowels were cleared. You do not mention this in your post..... anyhooooo, for me, I had it before surgery and I have it after - I just know it has a name now.
   — Karen R.

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