Lab work-post op

I had lab work done recently. My physician said that I was dropping alot of ketones in my urine. Does anyone out there know what this means ?    — Sherry S. (posted on March 26, 2002)

March 26, 2002
You probably should ask your doctor about this, but I know when a person has been on a low-carb, high-protein diet, their body goes into ketosis. My understanding of ketosis is that that is when your body is burning a lot of fat. I know that theoretically it can be dangerous for some people, like diabetics, but for most people, it simply means your body is at an optimum fat-burning level. You might want to ask your doctor, though, because from your post, I got the idea that he seemed concerned.
   — Kristie B.

March 26, 2002
Of course, it is ALWAYS better to ask such a question of your doctor since he is most familiar with you personally and can comment as to the impact this has on you. Ketones in the urine is simply a by-product of fat metabolization (burning stored fat) is a very common status to be in especially early post op.<br>You can read more about it here:<br>
   — Joelle B.

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