What could be causing red and white blood cells in urine?

I am scheduled for surgery in 3 weeks (4/9/02). Today my PCP called and told me that my urinalysis showed red and white blood cells in my urine. These results were seen by the surgeon weeks ago and she didn't mention it. I don't know if she wasn't concerned or didn't catch it. Any ideas on what could be causing this and will it affect my surgery date? I am going to repeat the tests this week, but I don't know if I should try to get antibiotics now?!    — L. F. (posted on March 19, 2002)

March 19, 2002
Bladder infection, cystitis, kidney infection? Antibiotics are needed if any of these are the diagnosis.
   — Sue V.

March 19, 2002
do urself a favor & get to a urologist. he specializes in this field & will give u the right answers.
   — sheryl titone

March 19, 2002
I was a lab tech for 10 years, white and red cells in the urine are not uncommon. It can be caused by so many things. Things as simple as not getting a good MIDSTREAM sample accidently including some normal vaginal discharge to the urine sample.... to the beginning of your period and you dont know a mild infection with no symptoms. I would first simply repeat the urine test. Cleasing really well be for the catch of the urine is so important. even a little normal vaginal discharge can fill your urine with white cells. If that repeat urine still shows red and white cells and you are not near your period...then for sure see your doc and maybe a referral to a urologist. DOnt panic yet. But do get the repeat test as soon as possible. Best of luck hun.
   — Joelle B.

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