Now that you are thin, has there been anything that really surprised or amazed you?
I have never been thin. Not in my whole life. I am just wondering if there are any things about being thin for the first time in some of your lives that has suprised you, or thrilled you, or totally amazed you. I am so excited to live this part of life that I have never lived, I just want to know if there are any unexpected results. Thanks! =) — Jennifer Y. (posted on March 13, 2002)
March 13, 2002
Well I'm amazed how hard sitting on my fanny is. That is, now the padding
is gone (although I need to lose much more) my butt bones hurt. Ouch!
— Danmark
March 13, 2002
yes, I am surprised when I look in the mirror at myself.
I cant believe its me. Also,when other people who havent seen me since
surgery, and they dont recognize me,after losing 100 pounds.
I also love trying on smaller, pretty sized clothes-
that end up getting loose with time, instead of tight!
No more blaming the dryer for 'shrinking my clothes' !
Lastly, when I first saw my shoulder, hip bones again after years of being
hidden under fat-and wondering what they were (tumors? no bones!) :>
— Donna K.
March 13, 2002
Wow....This is a great question (not that there are any bad ones). The one
thing that I can say I wasn't prepared for was feeling like, "ok, I'm
thin now, big deal". When I was heavy, all I could think about was
being thin. I am the same person now as I was then. Don't get me wrong, I
love being the size I am now. I feel so much better health wise and I love
being able to buy something in any store I want. I guess being thin just
doesn't feel like the big deal I made it out to be when I was heavy. The
most important thing is that I am who I am inside and no size will ever
change that.
— Elizabeth C.
March 13, 2002
When I was morbidly obese, I never recognized the fat person in my mirror.
I would see my reflection in a store window and be totally surprised that
it was me. I just couldn't see myself for the very fat woman I was. Now,
when I look in the mirror I am beginning to see a person I recognize as
someone who I resemble from 25 years ago. Oh, I know that I won't really
look as I did 25 years ago because of the aging process, but I do see
myself emerging as an older version of who I was instead of the fat woman I
had become and this is very exciting for me. I am a work in progress and
it is the best job I have ever had!
— Susan M.
March 13, 2002
Good question. I am amazed how weird it makes me feel when people call me
"Skinny". I didn't realize how hard it would be to tell if
people were being sincere or if they were just putting me on. I think that
comes from years of feeling so bad about myself and having people say
things like "your not THAT big, your so tall". I AM 6' tall, but
at 314 pounds, I was THAT BIG!!! I was having a really big problem with it
until I talked to my husband who I trust to tell me the truth and he told
me that I am thin and that there isn't much fat left on my body. I even
heard him tell his brother this. Then there was the moment when about a
month ago I went to see my PCP and he asked me when I was going to QUIT
losing weight. He told me that I was at a perfect weight for me and he
DIDN'T want me to lose anymore weight. Then yesterday I was at the
chiropractor getting an adjustment and when she was adjusting my tailbone
area and my buttucks, she told me I was getting bony in that area! Like
one of the other posters mentioned, I had noticed that my butt hurts if I
sit in a hard chair. Then there is the fact that my father calls me
"Beautiful" all the time now. That is a first. Sad, but true.
I think I embarassed him before being so big. He told my sister that I
always had a pretty face, but.......So, I guess there are a lot of amazing
things that I can think of now that I am a "normal" size.
— livnliter
March 13, 2002
I'm 5 mths pregnant, and not really showing at this time. A friend at work
was asking me how far along I was, and when I told her, she said, "But
you're so tiny!!!!" I NEVER had anyone ever say I was tiny before.
— Cristy K.
March 13, 2002
When I was morbidly obese, I always hated listening to little
skinny-minnies lament about their fat thighs, etc., since I obviously had a
much worse problem. I thought of them as vain, self-centered, etc.
Nowadays, as I get thinner and thinner each month, I find myself
hyper-judging my figure as well. It seems like, the thinner you get, the
more judgmental of your body you become. When you're MO, you kind of write
the whole thing off as hopeless, but as you lose weight, you get more picky
with yourself. I guess that's the big things that's surprised me about
"getting skinny." When will I feel skinny??? LOL
— Terissa R.
March 13, 2002
The other day my family and I were sitting in a booth at a diner, (the
booth alone is shocking, lol) but my daughter leaned her head over on my
shoulder, then lifted it and said, "oww, your shoulder is so bony it
hurts." I still have plenty of soft places, but bones are breaking out
all over, and I am constantly amazed by that. I can even feel my spine, I
was not sure that I even had one anymore it had been so long since I felt
it. And as for the butt bone, yes, hard chairs are the enemy now, LOl.
— Sue B.
March 13, 2002
My first surprising moment was when I realized I could reach behind my back
and scratch between my shoulder blades. The things that happen now are when
people tell me how "tiny" I am and that they never thought I
could be that small under all the weight. I have people that I have worked
with over the last 3 years that have actually asked to see my before
picture I keep at my desk, because they don't remember me being obese.
After being overweight most of my life I find amazing things each and every
day. I am very fortunate to have come this far.
— Janie C.
March 13, 2002
Wierdest moment... My PCP cautioning me to NOT loose too much more weight,
for fer I could end up UNDERWEIGHT! Me too THIN? Unreal.. Life is GREAT
post op. Every day is a new adventure in feeling good, fitting in booths,
walking for hours and not geting sore feet, etc, etc.
— bob-haller
March 13, 2002
Wow, let's see... I can cross my legs, I am jogging 1 1/2 miles 3-4 times
a week, I can play with my son without taking a break, I can fit in a tub
with water!, I desire to play sports!, I can shop in the misses section, I
love makeup and jewelry, I can fit in a seat at the amusement park, I can
climb into my attic without fear of the ladder giving in and falling, my
seatbelt fits, even though I wear a size 16-people are telling me that I
am skinny, I bought a miniskirt, I can get in a tanning bed without fear
of falling in, I can enjoy social scenes because I am not the strange fat
lady on display, I don't have the social anxiety I developed, I am
outgoing and funny, I can no longer wear my wedding ring, I can buy
normal sized watches and bracelets, my feet shrunk, I am smaller than my
husband, my sisters are jealous of my clothes!
I can not believe that I can jog! I have never been athletic, ever! I
just started one day hoping to break a platau and didn't stop for fear that
it may be a fluke. I am now jogging with hand weights to get my arms in
shape. When I actuaaly worked up the nerve to shop from the misses
section, I thought that an alarm would go off since I left my boundary. I
felt like people were watching me, thinking, "What is she doing? She
can't fit in our clothes, she must be buying a gift." I have been
waiting for the day that I could go to an amusement park and ride without
worry. The last time I went to a park was my honeymoon. I was mortified.
The bar couldn't fit over my belly. They sent several guys over to force
it down on me. I should have gotten up and left, but I was too embarassed
after all the time they took to do that. I am going to a park in New
Oeleans in April for the first time since and am going to ride every ride
there! I love anything that can bring attention to me now. I feel pretty
and don't mind th attention. I have become more outgoing and fun to be
around. I could go on and on! I just have to thank God for blessing me
with this life changing experience. I want everyone to know how good God
is and how he can make your life so much better if you depend on him.
— Stephanie N.
March 14, 2002
Jennifer -- what a fabulous question! The list goes on and on ... I can
walk up a flight of stairs, or across a street, without requiring medical
attention. I no longer have a paralyzing fear of turnstiles. My kids can
put their arms all the way around me (and even OVERLAP, oh joy of joys!)
when they hug me. They don't get in fights anymore defending their fat
mother's honor. I can wear pants with zippers and a non-elastic waistband,
shirts that tuck in and underwear that doesn't double as a surrender flag.
My watch twirls on my wrist, my rings twirl on my fingers, and I can bend
over to tie my shoes without feeling like I'm going to pass out. I don't
need to have a nap every ten minutes. I can actually go out now and not be
the heaviest woman in the room -- or even one of the ten heaviest. Not to
put too fine a point on it, I've got a sex life again! Walking no longer
poses a fire hazard from my thighs rubbing together. Life is GOOD, GOOD,
GOOD! Two years out, nearly, and I've never regretted my decision to have
this surgery. Thanks for the great question!
— Cheryl Denomy
March 14, 2002
The first thing that popped in my head was the fact that I can give myself
a pedicure by puttin my foot in the chair with me and breathing at SAME
TIME :-) Awww... it's the little things in life... Have a great day
— California J.
March 14, 2002
I really loved this question. I, too have never been thin
least not since childhood. I am down 48 pounds in 3 months and I cannot
wait to feel all these wonderful feelings you talk about. Already it is
beginning now that people are noticing. Heck..even I am noticing!
— Caren S.
March 14, 2002
Gee, I wish we still had the option to post anonymously, but here goes:
the most amazing thing I have noticed is in my intimate physical
relationship with my hubby. My ease of movement me in awe (lol..and him
too, I think!). Let's just say that there are a lot more ways to do things
than I ever could have possibly done before! Okay, I'm blushing now.
— BethVBG
March 16, 2002
Being told how "tiny" or "little" I am. It amazes me,
especially since I'm still in my 130's. Still working toward my goal of
120-125, but I'm getting closer everyday. Me, TINY,LITTLE< no, NO
— Donna S. C.
November 14, 2002
How about an answer from a "formerly thin" person who is now MO?
I was 104lbs when I got married in 1979, which really was about 10 - 15
less than I should have weighed. But I loved it! I did gain that 10-15 lbs
but stayed steady until my first pregnancy then lost all my weight. I
wasn't so lucky my second pregnance because I didn't have to work and I had
lost all motivation to get back to my skinny clothes. Yo-yo begins. When
marriage broke up in 1993, all heck broke loose and I've not been at a good
weight since. I too long for the day I fit comfortably in a tub, I can
reach an itch on my back, lean over and tie my shoes and breathe at the
same time. And then I remember my younger days when my big brother could
wrap MY arms around me and my fingers would touch behind my back. That was
tiny!! Those days may not come back but at least I'll be able to do
everything else I want to do. Surgery scheduled for 11/21/02. Can't
— valynn
November 15, 2002
I've experienced many of the same things previous posters have commented
on. For me, I absolutely love being thin for the first time in my entire
life. I never dreamed it would be possible. I thought the surgery would
take me down to maybe 150 if I was lucky, followed the doctor's
instructions to the letter and exercised really hard. Well, low and
behold, Teri Duffey weighed in at 114 #'s this morning. I really like the
look of a size 2-4 on this 4'11" frame. Yes, my darling husband says
I'm too darned skinny and that I have a boney hiney, but he also loves how
much healthier I am and most of all, he loves seeing me so happy. I still
have trouble accepting that I'm "there" where I used envy other
people for being. Sometimes, I forget that I'm not still overweight. It's
hard not to get vain and want to look in every mirror or shop window.
People treat me differently. Some people who have lost their weight and
are treated differently, resent it. But I don't. Hey, I expect it. I
treat myself differently. Yes, I'm still the same person inside. Except
now I love myself and I've heard you have to learn to love yourself to be
able to truly love others. Maybe...I don't know. I know I hated myself
much of my life because I thought it was my fault that I was overweight.
It wasn't. Obesity is a disease, not something anyone can choose. Maybe
that's the miracle...I found out that I'm not to blame and now I'm healthy,
I just had to find the right treatment. Just like a cancer victim.
Anyway, I thank God for allowing me the miracle and blessing of WLS!!!
— Teri D.
October 15, 2004
I just wanted to bring this back to the top. I am 28 months post op and
loving it. But it is hard handling the attention I am getting. Never in
my life did I feel attractive. But now getting smiles from strangers,
people offering their help to me. Its amazing, and also a bit scary. I
feel a little stunned by all the attention
— Amy S.
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