I have one comorbity and.....

I only have one comorbity and it is high blood pressure. Besides that I really don't know if I will be approved. I have only been through one commercialized diet, but have been on numerous diets on my own. I have seen nutritionists and other specialists as well as a list of doctors. I have been obese for at least eight years. During these eight years I have been put into every health and nutrition class they had and passed, so I am a little educated on the subject of healthy eating, but I have failed repeatedly. I am at my wits end because I do not know if this enough to get me approved.    — Caroline C. (posted on March 13, 2002)

March 13, 2002
You did not mention what your BMI is. But,if that is high enough, you sound like you have a fairly good chance to me. The best thing to do is to go see a DR. He can give you guidance. Sometimes you have co morbs that you are not even aware of. Good luck!
   — ScatCat

March 13, 2002
Caroline, one of the prerequisites to getting approval is to prove that you have been on numerous diets and diet plans and that dieting has'nt helped you to lose the weight. Make sure that you document all diets you have been on, this will help in the decision making process. As far as high blood pressure, I think that is a serious enough co-morbidity, heck I don't even have that. Take a look at Leeanne Krause's profile, she has alot of great information and it has helped me alot. I hope that I have helped you in some way, good luck!!!
   — Christine B.

March 13, 2002
The only way to know what you need to have surgery is to ask your insurance companies. Some require diet history. Some don't. Some require physician supervised weight loss attempts. Some don't. Some want you to have co-morbidities no matter what your BMI is. Some don't. Getting the picture? Your HR Dept at work should be able to give you a copy of the policy, or the book they send out that explains it.
   — garw

March 14, 2002
My BMI is 54 or something like that. As far as diets I have been on diets since I was ten or eleven (Mom induced) and now I am eighteen and have been on diets I put myself on or doctor has put me on. I have Cigna Healthcare, but am not sure if it is an HMO or PPO, but I do know that my Mother has had problems with them over something as important as coverage on her diabetic Medication. I have a strong family history of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. I have been battling high blood pressure since pediatric care and have been on medication for about two years, partally because I avoided doctor visits like the plague for a short period. If anyone has Cigna Healthcare please let me know what you went through. Thanks.
   — Caroline C.

March 14, 2002
I had NO comorbidities and I was approved. Since I was more then 100 pounds over my ideal weight and I had a BMI over 40, the insurance approved me for the surgery. If my BMI had not been over 40, I would have had to have had a comorbidity such as yours to have been approved.
   — Patty H.

March 14, 2002
I had no clinically diaginosed co-morbities when I started my quest to have my WLS. I found a surgeon within my plan and made my appointment and started with him. I had a bunch of aches and pains, a strong family history of diabetes, heart related issues and yes, obesity! My surgeon did all of the paperwork and got my approval. Now while I was waiting I saw a WLS friendly Internal Medicine physician (she is the greatest) and I did find that I do have hypertension and my cholestrol is a little high, but I am working on thoses things. In summary, you have to start somewhere. Find a good surgeon in your area within your insurance plan and make an appointment! You owe it to yourself and your own well-being to find out if you are eligible. Check for surgeons in your area and use this site to help in your search. You'll be glad you did! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
   — Kathy M.

March 14, 2002
Caroline, I don't have Cigna, but I wanted you to know that just because your mom had problems with her meds, doesn't mean that Cigna will not help you. My HMO (Aetna) will not cover my arthritis medication (because 26 yr olds don't get arthritis, yeah, right!!) but, they are going to cover my WLS because of my arthritis. Go figure. These decisions are made by seperate departments and each has their own criteria. Good luck and don't give up!
   — cjabates

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