Does every wls patient have to have the heprin shots while in the hospital?

I'm just curious about the heprin shots, DO THEY HURT? Do all patients have to have them, and how long.Can't they put it in your IV? Just need some added information. Thanks!    — suzanne S. (posted on March 10, 2002)

March 10, 2002
When I had my DS surgery, I had to have 2 heparin shots a day in my tummy. The first 3 days I was so drugged on my morphine drip that I didn't feel a thing LOL...but, the next two days I could feel it, but it wasn't that bad. :)
   — blank first name B.

March 10, 2002
   — rebecca N.

March 10, 2002
I had lap rny on 2/4/02w and I did NOT have shots.
   — Sandy M.

March 10, 2002
I think I had most of the heparin shots in my stomach. they didn't really hurt, but they did leave some ugly bruises some of the time.
   — Karen W.

March 10, 2002
I had surgery last week. They give you Heparin as a blood thinner. This discourges the formation of blood clots. The shots do not hurt. I was given the choice of having them in my stomach or arm, I chose my arm.
   — Lynn R.

March 10, 2002
I had my surgery on Jan 23...I had the shots in the arm twice a day for three days...they stung just a little bit..and left nasty bruises but they prevent blood clots, so I think most people have to have will be okay!
   — tylerswife

March 10, 2002
I had Heprin shots twice a day while in the hosptial and for ONE FULL MONTH when I got home. I thought this was overkill but since a friend of mine died from a blood clot after having surgery, (not WLS), I didn't argue with my surgeon. I had them in my stomach and they stung a little but my tummy was black and blue by the end of the month.
   — Elizabeth C.

March 10, 2002
I had heparin in my IV just before going into surgery, then the next two days I recieved lovenox. They injected them into my belly. It didn't hurt at all, it was a very small needle. You will be OK.
   — Jeannette C.

March 10, 2002
Just ask the nurse to rotate sites and you won't even feel them.
   — Lori D.

March 10, 2002
They feel like a little bee sting. Not bad...and I'm a wimp, so if I say they're not bad, then it's ok. :) I got two a day in the hospital and once I got home I had two a day for 7 days. I did mine in my stomach...less nerves there than the upper arm. Heprin is the same as Lovenox, and that is what you will most likely be taking at home. Good luck! :)
   — Paula Prichard

March 10, 2002
Heparin is to prevent blood clots. It is normally given in the stomach because it absorbs faster. It doesn't hurt - probably the only thing you will feel is the sting from the alcohol. I had the shots everyday while I was in the hospital but didn't have any thing after leaving the hospital. Don't worry about them - they are no big deal. \
   — Patty_Butler

March 10, 2002
I don't know if everyone has to have the heparin shots but I know with my surgeon, it wasn't a subject up for discussion. If I wanted the surgery, apparently the shots came with it. I'm a HUGE wuss with injections and obsessed over those shots. The first nurse to give me one (before the surgery started) pinched the skin before injecting it and it was absolutely painless. The only time I felt any kind of sting was once when the nurse didn't do 'the pinch'...and even then the sting was mild. Don't worry about the heparin. Pain-wise, its a non issue. Good luck to you!
   — Donna L.

March 11, 2002
I had many heprin shots while in the hospital, I don't even remember if it was one a day, but it seemed like more. They don't really hurt, but boy did they leave me bruised. My entire lower stomach area was full of bruises, they finally went away (2 months post op) but they lasted a long time.
   — Nikki A.

March 11, 2002
My surgeon ordered heparin shots for me while I was in the hospital because of a pelvic vein blood clot nearly 7 years ago. I was given them 2 times a day for the 5 days I was in the hospital. They are given to you in the stomach & I could not feel them at all & I am a BIG baby when it comes to shots! Remember, you are on pain meds so you aren't going to feel much of nothing. The needles are very tiny, like the needles you take for insulin. I did notice alot of bruises when I got home that I didn't even know that I had. My surgeon only does the heparin shots if you have a history of blood clots or any family members do. You might want to ask your surgeon if this is something you need. Good luck...
   — Lori M.

March 11, 2002
I had Open RNY 11-12-01 and had the heprin shot evry day I was in the hospital (7 days) except the last day and I didn't feel them at all. They did bruise my stomach a bit, but not painful. I like you was scared to death of the pain and was amazed when they gave me ny first one and it didn't hurt.
   — Lynda T.

March 11, 2002
With both surgeries I had, I had the heparin shots in my abdomen. It didn't hurt at all! I don't know if it was all the fat or maybe the morphine but I didn't even feel a pinch. The needle is very small and I think it just goes into the upper layer of tissue, and not a deep injection. This is something you can relax over. It won't bother you at all. Good luck!
   — Marilyn C.

March 11, 2002
Wow - I didn't get any bruises from my heparin shots. As everyone said, they don't hurt much at all. You are sooooooooo out of it after surgery. You constantly get poked and prodded but it is like a big blur. Don't worry about the shots. They are very important to avoid blood clots.
   — Julie S.

March 13, 2002
These shots are given in the stomach and the ones I had didn't hurt at all. Didn't feel anything actually.
   — janicediana

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