I am 4 mo's p/op & would like some feedback on birth control.

If there are any suggestions you might have- please feel free to share.    — S. K. (posted on March 4, 2002)

March 4, 2002
Based on my personal experience, I wouldn't recommend you rely on any hormone based contraceptive until your weight is stablized. I was on the pill faithfully, had VBG (no malabsorption) and got pregnant at about one year post op. Wasn't in my plans, to say the least. If it's important to you that you NOT get pregnant, use a barrier method or IUD. Just my experience, for what it's worth.
   — [Anonymous]

March 4, 2002
I asked surgeon about this since surgery creates malabsorption, I was concerned about what if anything was being absorbed with birth control pills. Stated they were very effective, and recommended them. jeanne
   — Jeanne P.

March 4, 2002
I got an IUD a month before surgery and my iron levels have steadily declined since then because my periods were so heavy. I got the IUD taken out two weeks ago (my new lover was worried that it wasn't effective-enough birth control either, so it was for the best) and now I'm back on Ortho 1/35s, a sort of middle-generation birth control pill that's got higher doses of both hormones than the "modern" pills. I took this pill on and off for more than 8 years so I know it works for me without annoying side effects, and I figure because it's higher dosage, even if I do malabsorb a little bit, it will still work. FWIW, one of the best indications of insufficient hormones while you're on bcps is breakthrough bleeding. I'm not having any, so I feel pretty safe. My partner and I will also continue to use condoms at least through this first pack if not longer.<br>It is so important to be happy with the birth control you're using... nothing kills the mood faster for me than worrying about maybe getting pregnant if I don't want to be. HTH... and don't be afraid to ask your gyno a lot of questions, and to completely read the insert from the pills and to ask questions about that if you need to.
   — Julia M.

March 4, 2002
To the woman who posted below with the VBG who got pregnant after a year on the pill... I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you but it very likely had nothing to do with your WLS. The pill only works to prevent pregnancy 99% if taken completely correctly, and it's more like 94% if any pills are missed in the year. That means that out of 100 women who take the pill perfectly, one of them will get pregnant anyway... so your pregnancy might have been just bad luck.<p>If you absolutely must avoid pregnancy, abstinence or a method like birth control pills PLUS condoms every single time must be employed. Condoms are only 86% reliable (14 women our of 100 whose partners always use condoms will get pregnant in a year) but combined with diligent birth control pill usage, the results approach 100% reliability. Whether it's worth the money & trouble is of course up to you and your lover. :-)
   — Julia M.

March 4, 2002
Hormonal forms of birth control are UNRELIABLE at this point. While you are losing so much weight, your body's hormones are unstable, thus making any form of hormonal birth control UNRELIABLE. Do not count on this to prevent pregnancy. Those who say that they took "the pill" or got the "depo shot" and didn't get pregnant were LUCKY. I would use some other method of birth control. In fact, I DO use other methods of birth control. I would talk to a gynecologist or midwife regarding this issue. As well educated as surgeons are, they are surgeons, and do not specialize or necessarily research in this area. My surgeon's PA gave me lots of information regarding this issue. Refereed research articles that prove hormonal birth control is UNRELIABLE. Hate to sound preachy, but this issue comes up a lot and people need to be accurately informed. Sorry if condoms ruin the mood, but so does an unwanted pregnancy and we do not need more unwanted babies in this world. OK, done now, off my soapbox. If you want some more specific information, please feel free to email me. :-)
   — Kierstin C.

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