I'm just starting the process and have some questions..................

I'm scheduled for my physical and bloodwork on 3/11. My question is, where do I go after that? What are the steps to take to get things on the ball? I live in a fairly small town and not so sure that the doctor actually knows the steps and what exactly we need to check for. She acts like she knows, but just to be sure I thought I'd come to the best ones to ask....those of you who have already done this. Please email privately if you wish. Thank you so much!!!    — Lori S. (posted on March 4, 2002)

March 3, 2002
Lori, I unlike you did not see my main doctor first, I was afraid that she would laugh at me, I actually contacted the medical center that I was interested in getting the surgery done at, They did all the foot woork for me, they mailed me off all the information, and requested the specfic lab work-up and sleep study and etc... once I got all the information in the mail, I then approached my primary doctor, rather then asking her what she thought, I told her this is what I'm doing, and that I needed her help in my mission, she was a little negative, (well have you tried this diet and this diet) , She tried to detour me, but I was very determined , I had researched the surgery for more then 1 year and had come to the point of realizing that this was the only way to loose the weight and begin a healthy life.. ( my advise call or go to a seminar for bariatric surgery, research and pick a doctor and have them do the leg work, it's allot easier and way faster.... Good luck
   — [Anonymous]

March 3, 2002
Hi Lori, My suggestion is to start researching surgeons on this web site, find out who accepts your insurance and does the procedure you want. Then get a referral from your PCP, and set up an appointment. They will tell you what pre-op tests they require, and they will submit to insurance. Most PCP's, altough well meaning, are clueless when it comes to who does this surgery and the different types of procedures available, so it's up to us to teach them. This site has a wealth of information, so you must be proactive in your own healthcare and obviously, by posting, you've already taken that step. Good luck!
   — Leslie F.

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