If my stomach is now only the size of 2oz... can i drink and drink
and drink water all day long, much more than 2 oz of course and that not be a problem? Gosh I know this sounds silly..But does the water go through me that fast? I dont feel i'm running to the restroom any more than normal, but when i sat down with a big glass of water today, my mom asked me why I was drinking so much at a time when my stomach is only 2 oz? I'm like, um, I DONT KNOW! Can Someone help out here? — [Anonymous] (posted on February 28, 2002)
February 28, 2002
From everything I have read and been told by other WLS patients and my
surgeon (*hopefully*), liquids go right through your pouch, this is why you
can drink large quantities at once. This is also why you don't drink
sugary liquids, they just go right through the pouch and get absorbed. I
hope this is helpful.
— Jennifer L.
February 28, 2002
I can drink fluids upon fluids, but can only eat one and a half ounces at a
time... I was told that the fluids move right through your pouch.. I
wouldn't worry about it, as long as you can't EAT like that..
— Elizabeth D.
February 28, 2002
Fluids pass through rather quickly. I drink about 100 oz of water a day.
Water is the key for me. I am almost 19 months post op and I am still
losing because I drink alot of water. Please let me know if I can help in
any way.
Your Weight Loss Pal.
— DeeDubbs
March 1, 2002
Fluids go straight through because you no longer have the valve (pyloric
valve) at the bottom of your stomach. It allowed the food and liquids to
leave the stomach slowly. That is why you are not supposed to drink while
you eat - the liquid will wash the food on through.
— grammie5
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