When they remove this drain tube from my tummy is it going to hurt?

I was searching the library and everyone says they just pull it out. I cannot imagine them doing it this way and i'm freaking out. I feel like ive gone through enough pain and the area around the tube is sensative enough already. I cant wait to get it out but I'm scared!    — Summersect (posted on February 28, 2002)

February 28, 2002
I can't promise it won't hurt, but mine certainly didn't. I was very afraid of having it removed... I couldn't possibly imagine that it would not hurt. But amazingly, it didn't. The whole thing is over in 1 second. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

February 28, 2002
Mine didnt just felt realllllly weird, it takes just a few seconds just breath out for about 10 seconds. :) It will be fine. hugs, Min
   — Min W.

February 28, 2002
Mine didn't hurt a bit. Felt very strange though. I describe it like this to people. You ever pull a worm out of the ground? I Think it felt kinda like that worm must Hope this helps
   — deborah D.

February 28, 2002
Honestly, I was more scared of the tubes being yanked out of by belly than the surgery itself (no anesthesia for that!). That being said, I didn't even feel it! I thought he was just touching them in preparation to yank, then he told me I was all set! I was astounded, after all, these tubes had been inbedded in me for two weeks. The anticipation was much worse than the reality. Take a few deep breaths and think of something else (I sing to myself- docs probably want me to shut up but it helps!!). You will be fine! GOOD LUCK! :)
   — Angela B.

February 28, 2002
if you ask the nurse to let you take a deep breath IN and when you finish,you hold it,,,then she should tell you to start breathing out when she begins to pull it out. you breathe OUT and don't stop until she says ok,,finished,,, you won't feel a thing,,,it really sounds alot worse than it is,,,
   — [Anonymous]

February 28, 2002
I had my JP drain for 10 days and I was really dreading having it removed but the nurse pulled it very quickly and I didn't feel a thing. Now where they stitched it to your skin , those little had kinda of grown into me so it hurt (stung) when she had to cut them but other than that no pain. But this is my personal experience and everyone is different.
   — [Anonymous]

March 1, 2002
It stung a little, but everyone's tolerance for pain is different. To me it didn't hurt anymore than a strong adhesive bandage being pulled off the skin.
   — Anne L.

March 1, 2002
Take some pain meds with you take right before its removed. AND someone to drive you home. You will be SO HAPPY its out the short pain will NOT matter...
   — bob-haller

March 1, 2002
It felt like a really huge cramp, but goes away in a few minutes. It seems like everyone is different. For me, it was uncomfortable but gone quickly. Try not to worry, it will be over before you know it! Good luck
   — [Anonymous]

March 3, 2002
It hurt when the doctor removed my drain. But it was VERY fast, maybe 3 seconds?, and then there was no residual pain or soreness from it at all. It really wasn't a big deal and it was over SO FAST.
   — Kathy J.

March 3, 2002
Take a pain med about an hour before you have it removed. It feels wierd but the pain is not mind numbing. Your not going to be running around screaming for morphine. It is more of a "feeling" of it happening than anything.
   — [Anonymous]

March 3, 2002
My surgeon pulled mine out. He had engaged me in idle chit chat so I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. When he pulled it out, I yelped in pain and there was a spurt of drainage gunk. It only hurt for a second. Nothing to worry about, the pain immediately after the surgery was MUCH worse.
   — Ellen H.

March 3, 2002
I had a similar drain for another surgery. When he pulled it out, I had a HUGE cramp, but by the time it registered in my brain, it was over with. So 1 second is about right.
   — garw

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