Has anyone else missed a period at a month post op?

I am one month post-op and I have not had a period this month. I had a tubal ligation last year, so I know that Iam not pregnant. I am very regular on my cycles. Has anyone else missed their periods after being 1 mo. post-op. P.S. I have lost 45 lbs.    — Sherry S. (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 23, 2002
sherry congrats on ur fantastic weight loss. the trauma of surgery can mess up ur body's time clock & functions. add to that the loss of 45 lbs that ur body was holding & u have a very big 'body' stress factor. give urself another month & if u still havent menustrated make an appt with ur ob dr. i have had this happen to me after surgery a couple of times.
   — sheryl titone

February 23, 2002
Any surgerys especially such an invasive one can cause irregular cycles for some time.....think of this as a BONUS! lol WOW 45 down girl U are doing GREAT!!! Keep it up and off!~45 as they say GONE FOREVER! (still pre op here)
   — Sassy M.

February 23, 2002
Well congrats on your weight loss!! That is great. I am almost 7 weeks post op and my period was 3 weeks late and I am usually like clock work. Your body has been through alot and needs time to heal and get back on track. I wouldn't worry your going to get it.
   — Bonnie S.

February 23, 2002
I was hoping it would mess mine up....No such luck!
   — Ruth S.

February 23, 2002
WOW...I WISH I was having that problem! I was totaly like clockwork before the surgery but now 10 weeks post-op I'm having a period every 2 weeks! The doctor says it is quite common to have screwie periods after WLS because Estrogen is stored with the fat cells. When it is released it playes havoc with your balances. I just want to know when I am going to get more regular again!
   — [Anonymous]

February 24, 2002
I wouldn't worry too much about your missed cycle, unless it becomes months without one. I am 8 months post op and my periods come as they please! Sometimes once every two months, once every couple of weeks. Our bodies are in shock of all of the weight loss, and it is directly affecting menustration. After your body plateaus out and get used to your weight loss, you will have your regular periods can't be that lucky!!!
   — Lacey M.

October 30, 2004
I am glad I'm not the only one. I had a period the day after my surgery, and now I am six and half weeks post op, and have not had another one, I too am usually like clock work, I know I'm not pregnant but I sure would feel better emotionally if mine would start. Congratulations on your weight loss, I've lost 32 lbs.
   — Derissa B.

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