I've been waiting for a year now & still don't have a surgery date! Is this normal?

Sorry, but I need to vent. I really need some suggestions as to how not to go crazy in the mean!! I've been waiting for almost 1 yr now & JUST started my pre-op testing this week. I still don't have my surgery date yet!! I was told by a post-op patient that there is a waiting list for my Dr for possibly 1 yr. after you get your pre-op testing done. Is that possible? At that point it will be over 2 yrs. I've been waiting for the surgery. Is this normal? The office staff gets mad when I call in to question that & kind of lose their patience. It's not like I've only been waiting for 6 mos. I just want to have an idea what to shoot for & no one can give me any idea. I'm unemployed right now & have to keep my COBRA insurance because I just got approval for WLS. So I can't get another job until I have WLS because I will lose my current benefits. I've tried to explain this to the Drs. office & they don't seem to care. I can't possibly stay unemployed for that long. The nurse told me then just come back in a few years. Because by that time that's how long it will take to go through the whole insurance approval process again if I change insurances. I then will go to the bottom of the list with the Dr. & have to wait all over again. Not to mention not many insurance companies cover the surgery with this Dr. that I want. I am soooooooooo FRUSTRATED! Any suggestions?    — Allison T. (posted on February 22, 2002)

February 22, 2002
just because you have cobra doesnt mean you cant get another job you can keep cobra while you work at any other job as long as your making your payments to them,,,look into it a lil more and you might wanna think about getting another surgeon,,,if his staff isnt good to you what happens if you have serious questions post op thats aweful of them especially when youve been waiting so long! my surgeon would have u in surgery 2weeks after approval...i definatly dont think its normal,,,good luck!
   — TRULUV2329

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