I am 13 mnths PO and down 160 lbs. I feel great.

But as of the last month or 2 all I think about is sex. Not that I am unable to function in my daily routine, but not a day goes by that I do not want sex at least once a day. Has anyone else had this? I am in my late 30's so I wondered if this is a result of weight loss or approaching the magic sexual peak age. I have always enjoyed a healthy sex life, but was happy with once or twice a week. I am married so my hubby reaps the benifits, but how do those w/o a spouse or significant other handle it? Am I normal?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 19, 2002)

February 19, 2002
I've been getting more interested in sex lately. <br> <br> My friends are getting worried. ;-)
   — blank first name B.

February 19, 2002
I've heard that fat cells are full of hormones that get released as we lose weight, often causing a huge increase in libido. It happened to me, too. Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on circumstances and/or how you look at it), it doesn't last forever, but it can sure add romance to a humdrum relationship. Have fun!
   — Leslie F.

February 19, 2002
Honey, you are completely normal. I am nearly two years post-op, mid 30's. My sex drive is out the roof. My boyfriend stays with me when he's not working out of town. We'll have sex 2-3 times daily during the times he's with me. When he's working, I can't wait for him to come back. We are taking a trip in April and he has promised me that one of our days will be spent totally naked and in the bed. We have a very passionate relationship and we keep a smile on our faces. The ladies I work with laugh about my Victoria's Secret habit and begged for the details of Valentine's Day night! LOL! All I told them was that it consisted of dinner, wine, a hot tub, candles, rose petals, and flavored body oil. Enjoy yourself!
   — [Anonymous]

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