Anyone else get nauseas or an aversion to food?

Im 13 weeks today, and I have a few issues that I cant find answers for. All of a sudden everything makes me nauseas. not dry heave sick, but almost like a true aversion to anything, including liquid. I CAN tolerate it, and most foods do not make me ill, but lately nothing seems to make it down satisfied. Also, my lips are so very very chapped.. NOTHING is making it better. I am trying so hard with the hydration, and nothing works. Anybody else have these issues? Have a good one... thanks...    — Rachel *. (posted on February 18, 2002)

February 18, 2002
hi, i am 5 1/2 months post op. i just got out of a 7 day hospital stay because i was dehydrated. i dont know what brought it on, but i was feeling the same way you are. i mentally could not eat or drink anything. the very thought of food made me so nausious. it was horrible. please try to eat some soup, and try very hard to drink. but, i think you should call your doctor ASAP. i finally broke down after 2 weeks of being so sick and called the doctor. he put me in the hospital that day immediatly. it was horrible and i wouldnt wish it on anyone. when you are dehydrated your vains will not hold up, and i was poked and prodded on so many times. when i came home i looked like i had been in a horrible fight. i was badly bruised. be careful, and drink drink drink if you can
   — Trisha W.

February 18, 2002
Hi, there is a similar question just a few before yours. If you even think you might be dehydrated, call your doctor NOW. If he puts you off, go to the closes ER NOW. This is not something trivial as the previous poster can attest to.
   — garw

February 18, 2002
Trisha: you were one of the lucky ones. We have lost a few members from dehydration. You can survive for a long time with very little food, but you cannot survive without water. I am sorry to be so blunt, but I remember a young women dieing at her support meeting, She has a heart attack due to dehydration.
   — faybay

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