How long is the typical waiting period for WLS after delivering a baby?

I recently scheduled consults with two different surgeons for WLS; one of whom has a year long waiting list just for consults. Then I found out that I am pregnant and both stated that I would have to cancel my consults. One says he won't do surgery until one year after delivery, the other says TWO years after delivery. I'm devastated. This means that I will essentially have to wait 2-3 years for surgery. Isn't it safe to do it six months post-delivery?    — Lana R. (posted on February 14, 2002)

February 14, 2002
First of all....Congratulations on your pregnancy! I HOPE it is safe because I just had a baby August 30 and my surgery is scheduled for April 11th. The biggest problem I see is being away from her while I'm in the hospital (I'll miss her like crazy!) and having trouble holding her and snuggling when I come home! Good luck to you. BTW, I don't think my surgeon ever asked when my last child was born. Just asked how many children I have and if it was a normal pregnancy, etc.
   — [Anonymous]

February 14, 2002
Congrats on the baby!!!!! And to answer your question I had a baby on March 24,2001 and had open rny on May 11,2001 exactly 6wks after delivery. I've lost 130lbs. in 9mos. Hopes this helps you. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
   — Brigit B.

February 14, 2002
I am still pre-op and I have a nine month old. They never did ask the age of my kids just how many I had. I wish I would of started this earlier though. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!! Good Luck :)
   — blank first name B.

February 14, 2002
My son was born in May, 2000 and I had my consult in November 2000 with surgery in January 2001. My son was 8 months old when I had surgery. I would recommend having the surgery when your child is still small, so you don't have to worry about the lifting restriction. I had my mother help me for 6 weeks because my 8 month old weighed 22lbs.!! My surgeon didn't even mention the "timing" of surgery/childbirth as a concern. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 15, 2002
Hello, I had my daughter on 6-17-00 and had my surgery on 7-30-01. approx a year and a month later. My surgeon didn't seem too concerned about the recent delivery, just that my blood levels and my general health were ok. I can agree with them on not consulting with you until after you deliver, but 2 years wait is a little long IMO . Is there other surgeons you can talk to? Best of luck to you, and congrats on your upcoming arrival!
   — Carey N.

April 10, 2002
The same situation happened to me. I actually was just gathering information on WLS. But I was VERY serious about doing it. I was told that you can do it 3-6 months after delivery! I had my surgery 11 months after delivery though. It took that long to get everything approved! I had my surgery 10/03/01 had my baby 11/08/00. I lost 50 pounds within 3 months and got pregnant AGAIN! I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and I am 6 months post op! Nothing I would recommend!!! I'll say that!

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