I was informed by my doctor that my pouch has stretched out of shape, he said

it was not my fault, sometimes these things happen. My problem is that my insurance company denied my revision, because I am not morbidly obese anymore. What can I say to them to make them understand that I will gain this weight back if I do not get a revision. Has anyone ever gotten approval for a revision, because of stretched pouch. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I have not gained any weight back yet, but I also have not loss any within the last 2 months...    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 14, 2002)

February 14, 2002
I hope you don't mind me asking a question about your question... but how did your doctor determine that your pouch was stretched out of shape? I also have plateaued for 2 months, although my surgeon says it can happen and to be patient. Since I am so early on in the game, I'm very worried. I'd like to know what your doctor did to diagnose the stretching... thanks for your input! Ps. I'm down 50 lbs in 4 months, all of which came off the first 2 months! 297---> 246
   — Kathleen T.

February 14, 2002
I'm not sure how to convince them to cover it and hopefully you'll get some help with that. I just wanted to encourage you to change the way you talk and think until you find the help. Please don't make a declaration that you WILL gain the weight back. Put your frame of mind on the fact that you've lost the weight and hopefully you've gotten into fitness and health. Remember, it's only a tool and you don't necessarily have to regain the weight. Try to find a way for the revision to get covered, but until then at least don't work against yourself. Remember, you're not starting all over again. All I'm saying is that you'll certainly fail if you think it's inevitable. Good luck to you!
   — [Anonymous]

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