Opinions on the Tony Little Gazelle as main form of exercise?

I was wondering if anyone really enjoyed using the Tony Little Gazelle? It looks like something I would enjoy but is a small investment. Good remarks/bad comments? Please send me your honest opinions. Thanks.    — Janice P. (posted on February 13, 2002)

February 13, 2002
I had one of these 'types' of exercizers several years ago & ended up giving it away, it was too noisy. My mom has a Gazelle though and LOVES it! She hasn't had WLS, but has lost a few pounds by using this and watching her diet. I have gotten on it a few times, just testing it, and I liked it too, have thought about getting one for myself, but the membership to the health club is enough investment for now, lol!
   — DonnaCarol

February 13, 2002
My sweet hubby ordered me on while I was in the hospital. He figured for $15 to try it, it wouldn't hurt. I LOVE this thing! I was easily able to do 15 minutes the first day (3 weeks out) and now at 6 weeks I am up to half an hour twice a day. My hips and knees don't hurt like they do when I walk. We set it up in the family room and I watch VH1 while I "walk" :) On the plus side, both of my kids get on it while they are watching TV, so everyone is benefitting. They think it's fun. I think it is worth every penny.
   — Tina P.

February 13, 2002
My husband bought me a Gazelle for christmas and I love it.Instead of spending the money for the one on Tv , he went to K-mart they have one and the only difference between it and the one on TV is that the K-mart one does not take your heartbeat. The one from K-mart is a Tony Little also and it only cost $100.00. I use mine as a warm up for my walk away the pounds tapes and the combination of using them both has helped me alot. Hope that helps.
   — Kelly S.

August 16, 2002
I just bought the Gazelle Xtreme and it is really a smooth way to exercise. This machine is the quietest piece of work out equipment I've ever owned, and the only noise is, sad to say, the sound of my thighs rubbing together!! Ha! But I wear a pair of spandex shorts when I use it, so this is not bothersome. I would recommend it highly.
   — Rebecca D.

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