What pre-op dreams have you had about surgery?

Does everyone have a lot of dreams about surgery? I had a funny one where the surgeon was sucking the fat out of my body with a straw and a scarry one where someone was attacking me and slashing me all over with knives.    — Kathy J. (posted on February 2, 2002)

February 2, 2002
I dreamed in order to have this surgery they had to change your sex but they kept this a secret till surgery day!
   — elifritz

February 2, 2002
I dreamt I was going to the hospital to have another baby. I figure that I had this dream because I had two c-sections with my two kids so my mind was trying to figure out what it would be like and since I didn't have really any other surgery experience to pull from, my mind relayed the memory of having a baby. At least that's what I think the dream meant anyways. Hope this helps. Take care and God bless.
   — Karen L.

February 2, 2002
lol....this is a good question...i had a lot of strange dreams regarding the surgery but the one that sticks out the most is the dream i had about bananas and peanut butter..yuk i have no clue why....
   — Deanna Wise

February 2, 2002
So far only one nightmare yet. Stil have 4 months to go, though. I dreamt that I had just got out of surgery, and I was feeling OK, but I knew that it was because I was doped up on drugs. I had to find the doctor because I knew that the drugs were going to wear off really soon, but I couldn't find him, and I was so scared that I would be in unbearable pain before I found him. I suppose my fear of pain is pretty easy to see in this dream. =}
   — Jennifer Y.

February 2, 2002
I dreamt that when I got to the hospital to have my surgery, the doctor told me that since I didn't take the written test that the surgery was cancelled. I didn't understand and he explained that he needed to know that I understood everything about this surgery and that I was supposed to take a test. I was flipping out because I had to wait 8 months for this surgery and feared something would go wrong to prevent the surgery. My worst fear had come true, in my dreams.
   — Cheri M.

February 2, 2002
It was the night before my surgery. About 15 minutes before my alarm was due to go off, at about 4:15 a.m., I woke up hyperventilating which I had never done before in my life and bolted straight up in the bed. I was panting like a dog. I had dreamt there was a man dressed all in black with a hood over his head with a big stick or cane poking me saying, "Come with me". I kept telling him to leave me alone and he kept after me to "come with him". I couldn't see his face. Finally, his hood slipped off his head and he looked directly at me, and it was DEATH! A skeleton face, evil looking! I stayed up, jumped in the shower and thought to myself, "There is no way I'm going to let a stupid dream keep my from having my surgery. I have come so far on this journey. I'm one hour away from laying down on the surgery table. I'm having this surgery no matter what." It was a trick of the devil telling me I wasn't worthy enough to have the surgery, that I didn't deserve it. I came thru with flying colors LAP RNY and am now 3 months postop and down 50+ lbs.
   — blank first name B.

February 2, 2002
The morning that i was due to go in for my pre-op testing a few days before surgery I had the worst dream! I dreamed I was on a stretcher in the hallway with about 10 doctors surronding my stretcher. Then my surgeon ripped open my gown and starting prepping me for surgery right there with everyone watching! When I started yelling, the nurses yelled at me for being a baby! I layed in bed for hours after convinced I was not going for my testing but finally fell asleep and woke up feeling slightly better. I'm happy to say I did it and have now lost 36lbs!!1
   — barbie R.

February 2, 2002
My surgeon's name is Dr. Newhook and before our first appt I dreamed that he was very scary with a hooklike device he wanted to cut me open with. It turns out he wasn't scary at all..just really handsome!
   — KCAllen77

February 3, 2002
Lisa, change your sex??? lol. Been there, done that. :) I dreamed that I was ether on a bus or train (I think a train) and could walk around just fine without my big fat butt hitting any seats to my left or right. It was wonderful to be able to get on and off that train as a lightweight. It was another 9 months or so of fighting my insurance company before I could get the surgery but I kept remembering that stupid dream about the train. It helped keep me going as strange as it sounds. :)
   — Danmark

February 3, 2002
I haven't had any dreams yet,but my best friend did. She dreamed that I came to her house all dressed in white and my hair was cut short and I was glowing. She said I had lost all the weight that I needed to and that i was there to go through her closet for clothes. She likes to analize dreams. She says either I'm going to die or I'm going to look fabulous. I choose to believe the later. By the way I am new to this web site and I love it. I am going for my first consult on Feb.14,2002. Wish me luck.
   — dhogue

February 25, 2002
I haven't had any dreams myself, but about a year before I even began researching WLS my sister in another state told me she had a dream about me having lost all my weight and that I looked so skinny. (She said she hated me for that dream for a day or two afterward - because she is about 30 lbs heavier then I am right now). I'm hoping that was a premonition more then just a dream, because at the time she told me about it I hadn't even heard of WLS yet. (Pre-op, waiting for Consult)
   — [Anonymous]

October 23, 2002
I am pre-op, and have had two dreams relating to my upcoming surgery. First, I was in a hospital bed after surgery. A tall beautiful woman wearing a black negligee, was sitting on the bed comforting me. I thought this was a very positive dream. The second one was a little more bizarre but also very positve. I was at the home of a famous female talk show host. I needed to use the bathroom. Afterwards, I not only felt relief, but I felt like I told this person what I really think.
   — Jonathan F.

March 27, 2004
I had a dream that I took a big bite of something and it got stuck and I was gonna die. Thats been the only dream so far. My surgery date is May 10th 2003
   — Kateriee

March 27, 2004
I had a crazy dream that I was late for my surgery...I couldn't find the admissions office and I wandered the hospital for hours and hours but just couldn't find it...oh...I was too late and I cried all day as I was searching the was awful! The good news is....that was one year and one week ago and I made it!!! I am down 140lbs and below goal!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! Best of luck :0)
   — denisel

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