How bad is wine after WLS?

I enjoy wine with dinner, occasionally beer, too. My DH is a "wine snob", so I must say it IS around me quite a bit. Is it likely I will be able to tolerate it after my lap RNY? I haven't gotten any "lowdown" regarding alcohol from my surgeon's office yet. General info regarding wine/mixed drinks is appreciated!    — Vanessa H. (posted on February 2, 2002)

February 2, 2002
Vanessa, the first time I tryed alcohol was 6 months postop on New Years Eve when I got married. Probably not the best time to try that cause the next day I was in the bathroom paying for it. Now I am only talking 2 drinks..nothing more but, I am also a BPD/DSer and possibly the RNY's don't have that problem. The first year, I noticed that even with 2 drinks I certainly felt the inebriation but, after that first year or so, I can drink 3 drinks and not feel much different than I used to. I also must say though, that I drink about once a year. As for wine, well just think about the sugar and will that affect the RNY. I think it does from what I have seen but I wanted you to know that it's NOT off limits forever...I wouldn't try any alcohol till I was well close to goal. It can only add empty calories and that is NOT what you need. You need nutrition. Good luck in your choices.
   — Barbara H.

February 4, 2002
I'm almost two weeks post op and I have a few glasses of wine when I go out. They say your not suppose to drink it because it can dehydrate you but it has had no negative effect on me.
   — Melissa S.

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