Ladies, after a Lap RNY can you wear panties under your gown?

I'm posting anonymously because I'm really embarassed to ask this question. But am I going to have to be naked under the gown while I'm walking down the hospital halls, or will I be able to wear lose panties? What happens if my period starts, how do I use a pad without panties?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 25, 2002)

January 25, 2002
I had surgery DURING my period and they told me to stuff a really big hospital pad in between my legs....Ilk....
   — [Anonymous]

January 25, 2002
I didn't put panties on until I went home. All of my panties are support panties I was too swollen to wear them so make sure you bring loose ones.
   — [Anonymous]

January 25, 2002
I was able to wear my panties the day after surgery and I had an open. I also did get my period that day which I think is very common.
   — Debbie R.

January 25, 2002
Hi, unless you're a very modest lady, you probably won't even care if you have panties on immediately after surgery or not. Of course, when you get ready to get up an walk the hallways or go to the bathroom, you'll want them on. Take the biggest pair you have so you'll be comfy. I never bought any new ones before the surgery. I'm saving my money for post op new ones in a much smaller size in the near future.
   — [Anonymous]

January 25, 2002
I had a Lap RNY approx 4 weeks ago and got my period the night before surgery. The hospital allowed me to wear a pair of "their" panties with one of "their" pads until I went into surgery. After surgery, you will most likely have the catheter in..I did, but I still had a pair of their panties on with a pad. As soon as they removed the catheter (I think it was the next day...because I told them I wanted to be able to walk around freely, and once they see that you can get up and walk around, they should remove it.) From that point on I was able to wear my own panties and my own pads (no tampons allowed for me.) As for wearing bigger sized panties, that didn't really matter for me, I wore my binder (and still do) the whole time, so my panties didn't bother my incisions at all.
   — [Anonymous]

January 26, 2002
Panties right after the cath came out was fine for me.(The next day) I wore my regular panties, maxithin pads, and tampons because it was the second day of my period. I was worried about them rubbing my incisions, but it didn't bother me. I was also very concerned about being able to bend over far enough to use tampons, but that was no problem either.
   — [Anonymous]

January 26, 2002
The hospital will give you these gauze-like panties to wear and will give you pads if you need them. They are much like what you are given after giving birth. If you want to wear panties,you can, but they would have to be way below your waist line. Otherwise, it could rub against your incisions and be uncomfortable. You can put a gown on front ways, and a gown on backwards as a robe too. That's what I did. I had a catheter and panties would have been awkward.
   — Goldilauxx B.

January 27, 2002
YES, you will be naked, while having the surgery. I had a LAP, and I woke up w/ my panties on.
   — Cindee A.

January 30, 2002
I had surgery while I was having my period. Oh joy. They will give you these nylon deposables that are one size fits all. :o) Yeah right. I would take your undies The worse case is cut the elastic. Don't cut a huge line down the front just cut so the elastic doesn't pull across your front. They won't be "tight" but if you have hips they will stay up. You also will be more comfortable. If you have IV's I cut my real nightgowns along the shoulder seam and pinned them in the hospital. When I got home I just sewed the seam back up. I was much more comfy than I would have been in hospital wear.
   — Rebecca K.

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