Do I need to quit smoking?

I am not a really big smoker, but waiting for the approval for the surgery has turned me into a chimney! I don't have my surgery daty yet, how long should I quit before surgery? I am sure that they longer I don't smoke, the better, but what is the requirement?    — Kimberly B. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 23, 2002
I'm not a smoker but on my initial forms from the Doctor it said smokers must have quit 30 days prior to being approved for surgery every doctor is probably different. I can tell you however that it very difficult to breathe normally after surgery I'm 6 days postop and still lose my breath easily.
   — Candace F.

January 23, 2002
Well, it's nice to know that someone else is acting like me. I was a light smoker until I started waiting for a surgery date! I believe it is at least 30 days before surgery that you are supposed to quit.
   — emilyfink

January 23, 2002
I smoked right up until the night before surgery. After surgery, my oxygen levels were low (in the 60's) and I was very short of breath. Luckily, the respiratory therapists recognized that I was in trouble and started nebulizer treatments and oxygen or it could have ended up to be much worse. I should have followed by surgeon's guidelines to quit smoking at least 30 days prior to surgery, but I didn't listen. Quit as soon as you can.
   — [Anonymous]

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