I am one month until my surgery, and I seem to be eating MORE....

I have read where alot of people tend to lose weight and start watching when it starts to get close to their surgery. I seem to be just the opposite. I went to the grocery store and bought too much junk food!! more than normal! Has anyone else done this? I guess maybe its just me thinking its the last i'll have it, so I might as well enjoy? I dont know, but I am so mad at myself...    — Summersect (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 23, 2002
I did what you are doing 2 weeks before my surgery. Many around here call it the "last supper syndrome." Just indulge but don't overdo it because it is more you'll have to lose post-surgery. If you've only gained 5 lbs. doing the junk food then that's not really that bad.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 23, 2002
From what I've read on this board over the past year, overeating right before surgery is pretty common. I know I definitely have been totally relaxed with my eating ever since I got my surgery date. I've been enjoying not feeling guilty about eating for the very first time in my life. I'm eating dessert in front of my husband, and I'm not eating secretly anymore. I think this type of behavior modification has been very good for me. I can't diet anymore; I'm having an RNY so that I can eat normally [small, healthy portions of food] - not diet for the rest of my life. My suggestion? Use this pre-op period to eat without guilt. However, be aware that if you gain significant amounts of weight, some surgeons will cancel your surgery! They are concerned about our being in good condition physically for surgery.
   — Kathy J.

January 23, 2002
I, personally, think you are normal. I did the very same thing and I had THE BEST TIME one month before surgery. Knowing I would not be able to eat some of that 'good stuff' again, I really enjoyed myself. I live in Texas and I love the Tex-Mex food and I remember one week I had Mexican food every single night (YUM!). Ice cream, cookies, candy, cakes, everything I thought I would miss or ever wanted. I gained 11 lbs. during that month and I was ready to quit eating when surgery time finally came around. It has been 1 yr. & 2 weeks, RNY open, minus 101 lbs. I went shopping tonight and I don't have to go to the "big lady" department any more, I get to go to the regular departments now. I am HAPPY!
   — Betty Todd

January 23, 2002
Once I was approved I began eating quite a bit more than normal. I ate sooooo much fast food and junk food! I was terrified the morning of surgery - I just knew I had gained 10 pounds. But Over the course of 4 months I actually only gained 3. Some say "Why eat more to make it that much more weight you have to lose?" But my opinion was that after surgery I wouldn't be indulging in copious amounts of fat and chocolate so I should get it while I could. I have to say that I am glad I got to have that last taco, double cheeseburger, and supersize fries...
   — Pamela P.

January 24, 2002
Hi, I am two weeks from my surgery. I am been pigging out on chocolate. I will be having a open VBG. I know that I will not be able to indulge in the sweets anymore. I made a quest to taste everything one last or last few times. I have had the most fun. lol lol. I have had some totally interesting meals and deserts. I have also gained 5lbs since I got my date. I found out my date the day after Christmas. No one except four people know that I am having the surgery and they are all out of town except for one. I told my job I was having Gallbladder surgery. So, I feel you should just enjoy this time without any guilt. I know I am. Good Luck
   — Bridgett H.

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